Plight of the Union

Any time the President stands in front of Congress and proclaims that the Union is the strongest ever...there have been times, that it has been true...and for sure, make that, in the past...cuz now, we have chaos...he has thrown the country into the worst polarization since the 50's...relying on the Republicans to follow his ways...has to be reluctantly, right?...

I am referring to this evenings, State of the Union address...that Trump will bellow out to the civil will the opposition be?...or, how much disgust will they show?...but, even more so, is the speech itself...and this is what I fear....that he will try to make a big statement...

There are 2 agenda items that could emerge...the first is that he is going to ramble on about the need for his Trump Wall...and then proclaim that he is going to declare an emergency and will fund it that way...the Democrats may boo, or worse, walk out of the House...a first for the floor...

Or, secondly, he may bring up the Venezuelan conflict...that we are going to help preserve the stability of the area...and to quell the Maduro dictatorship, and support the Opposition leader...he is going to send troops into the area to solve the problem...well, so to speak...HOWEVER...if this is his big announcement, then he would be going against what Russia has asked him to do, 'stay out of the Venezuela situation'...hmmm...

Maybe I am wrong...and he will do neither of the two...and he will preach that the country needs to band together and become ONE...forget the pettiness and get behind him as the Supreme Ruler of the land...'trust me'...oh my...yes, I fear the worst...whatever that may be...

After his speech, is the Democrats version of what's what...the chosen one, is Stacey air the oppositions interesting she just lost a highly contested Governor race in Georgia...hmmm...


The Futures were UP this morning...well, there you go...

In the NBA, we have the Lake Show in a humongous effort to obtain the Brow(Anthony Davis) pair him up with LeBron...the latest package deal, included 3 of their present youngins, and 2 high draft picks...and cash...I think the draft picks may be the key to the deal, if the Pelicans go for is where I go with this...LeBron is on his downward cycle...the Lakers are in a total disarray...more just published on this...the Lakers reportedly put up Kuzma, Ball, Ingram, Rondo, Stephenson, Beasley, and 2 first round picks for Davis and Hill....then would wave Hill...WTH?...

Hey, speaking of youth in the league...the Sac Kings are on the rise...with 3 very talented kids in the mix...really...stay tuned...

One more thang in the NBA...Kobe Bryant responded to a Q on the Beard...'what he is doing is awesome, but not for winning a championship'...the ball is in Harden's hands way too often...and more from this author, he doesn't play a lick of defense...selfish ball...

As I was cruising' threw my reads this am...I noticed an item out of Salem, Oregon...that the schools were closed today...snow? we, here in the southland, are embracing another round of that rain'but we need it'...

On me dashboard on the Lexus, a reminder of 'take me in to the dealer' pops's the oil change due date...been putting it off for awhile...and then...the car won't start...well, barely...luckily it did finally turn over...and off we went to our local Jiffy Lube...I'm gonna tell ya right here and now...they do a GREAT job...replaced the battery as well as got everything back to snuff...for a fraction of the cost if I took it to a Lexus dealership...really...

While waiting in the 'lobby' of the Jiffy Lube, they had the pixel blaring...the Wendy Williams Show...who was not there...and some stand in was hosting...egads, people actually watch this?...well, it almost seemed like me Blog, but live...oh, so now I get it...forgive me, you who are followers ...

And...we have been searching for a new the pillow top one we have now, is not doing it's, we have been looking for the 86 inch foam ones...I 10-14 inch ones...that also, say they are cool to sleep on...lawdy, there are so many of them out do you know?...I have done the review stuff on the web net...I mean, you can get some 5 stars ones that are like $600...any ideas?...the concept of the hybrid is interesting, too....anyone out there have one?...the name brands are asking like 4 thou...I dunno...

Everybody now, let's all join me in the only dance I am good at, 'The Round Dance'...


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