
Hey kids! are you all doing?...another beautiful day in SoCal...which I think is the same up and down this coast line...nice...finally...all the way to Vancouver, BC, right?...changes your whole outlook on life...

What the heck is going on in the Donald's World? know, he is not a politician...trying to be...just wants to be the leader...of the US...unfortunately, thinking by the seat of his pants, he screws up...his talk with the MSNBC dude was one of those moments...always a hot topic, for the Repubs is the abortion issue...he came on too strong...and had to recant a few hours with me?...the RNC and most of the Press want to so badly to get him...ask enough Q's and pounce on a miscue...mission accomplished...does make you Trump voters wonder, I suppose...

Hilz is somehow going unscathed in the Demos...which puts me in a Bern is winning states...Wisconsin is next...where she is leading, finally...I dunno, these two don't have the headlines that the other side do...I think that may be a good most of the elephant news is BAD! you really want Raffy as your candy man?...I mean, c'mon...oops, I digress...

On the same line as the slip up of the Donald, is the "interview" of one LA Lakers to another...done as a prank...the prize rookie of the team...not yet 21, pulled it on one of the more famous blokes...ha ha...not him to admit to cheating on his girl...then somehow it got leaked to the press...egads...this is LOCKER ROOM stuff...that stays in says, that it is family...not any instant stuff is everywhere...iphones are everywhere...pundits are everywhere...this was THE topic of all my sports talk shows...hmmm...

NBA...the GS Warriors traveled to Utah on an got in at 2:30 in the am...after a game the nite before...struggled mightily against the Jazz (?)...found a way to get the fray into OT...and won it...lawdy, even when dawg tired, they win...BTW, Steph Curry is an amazing shooter...the diff... watching?...this production is still first rate...and well worth your time...amazing to me, that it is continually the best of the reality shows...anyway, the old NBA bloke is hanging around...has a chance to win it...not a great one...but a chance...

Staying in the pixels...did watch the Voice...and I may be waffling on Miley...she was a guest helper, er coach...this past week...she did a great job...what?...I thought she added some oomph to the kids performances...I guess she has a couple of sides to her...this one was a good side...

Thought provoking...would you rather read about things that are controversial, deep, informative, or things that make you smile...make you happy?...or the daily mess that we are all embroiled in?...see some poor sole take his or her lumps for a screw like the feel good stuff...guess that's why I like I watch a movie, I prefer a good ending one...something that takes me away and makes me HAPPY!...why is that so hard to do? "Breaking News" ever good on the pixels?...

Well, I have tried them all...for the calendar on the iPhone...the winner is...drum roll,'s the Awesome Calendar!...very easy to read and Horse...put it on YOUR phone and you can thank me later...

My pix on the left has me as a blonde boy...not is happening on your negative comments for later...ha ha...I call it my "new and more improved" look...

Back in our the resurgence of the Chargers stadium...what, you are saying?...I say that I told you they were gone....well...there is a way for them to remain...and build it just east of the baseball in downtown...I can't believe I am saying may work...don't hold me to it...

Finally, OPENING DAY is but a few days away for our Pads...keep it positive Horse...right now, we are undefeated and on top of the league...

Time to grab the sticks and bang some balls....FORE!...


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