So You Have Doubts

The Stock Market...rebounded like my money man Jon said it MAY...not would, but may...and did it ever...the Dow was up 619 pts at close...619!...egads, I have no clue...and neither do you...and if you invested in Apple and Alaska Air, as a day made a mint...and the Dow is up for 200 at opening today...hmmm...
The Pads scored early...and then held on...and got the W in DC...I saw but a few moments of it...but did see we scored the 5th run on a sac fly on a foul out behind 1st base...way number 3 today...
San Diego Raiders?...nope, has no ring to it...and if that is what happens, a name change will be needed...can they do that in the NFL?...
The Demos...a clear near certainty...wait...that makes no sense whatsoever...I think VP Biden gets in to the race...and gives the Donkeys 3 decent choices...right?...
Say what you want about the Donald...but his numbers just continue to grow...and the Repubs are cringing...they will try anything to sabotage his run...until, they have to swallow their pride and get on board...which WILL many say I'm off my rocker...well, that is true...but, just mark my words...go ahead mark 'em...on this day, 8/27/15...
It's all about the $...the NFL silly they play 4 games that don't count...unless you are a season ticket holder...that you have to keep your tix...get this...if they knock off two of them, the owners want those to count in the regular season...fuggit about the injuries...nasty biz...
Playoffs....that is what the PGA is in...starting this day...and the last ditch effort of Tiger didn't work...and he's out...but the rest of the dudes, er young guns, are...Spieth, Rory, Day, and on and on...Rory may skip round he is solidly in the upper tier...odd how this works...
The gawd, the humidity...we are in the Florida type weather...
You know, it's less than 3 weeks and we are basking in the breeze of our annual trip to the place...
Just got a glimpse of the Reunion Pix...and I must say...I was def the darkest dude there...ha's all about me...I already miss my goatee...and on it comes...again...
This is the frivolous type of blog today...not like yesterday's serious was, right?...I could tell by the number of hits...
Let me get this right...the VMA's are hosted by Miley Cyrus...and the show just announced that the Biebs is performing...that is the final touch...I will miss the telecast...the worst, Jerry, the worst...knowing YOU, you will like it...
The awful killing of a reporter and her cameraman...absolutely the most atrocious acts of a disgruntled former employee...I keep saying this...there has to be more passion to live your life...
The start up of schools in the next couple of is a very scary time...and the teacher meetings have more significance than ever before...what to's a necessary evil...of possible gun attacks...
I have to say this...the lobbyists are the fundamental problem of the country...and until we adjust their strength, we will wallow in the same mess we are in...hmmm...didn't Trump allude to this?...this is one of them ideas that intrigue me...
To go to the races today, or to not...that is the Q...