
Break up the Padres! They throw a 14 spot on the dazed Marlins...shoot, that's normally 7 games worth of runs...in my haste the other day, I briefly mentioned other disastrous teams...no worse than the Pad killers Mariners...who are riding a...get this...eleven game LOSING STREAK...if you look hard enough, there's always somebody worse off...sorry, Seattle, it's you...
Make fun, if I want to...it's my blog...but I just don't get the Paris Hilton and Kim K thing...they are making boucoup bucks doing absolutely...NOTHING...they each started their path to "STARDOM" doing porno tapes...and then the press picked up on them and wouldn't let them go...somehow, they keep getting series on the boob tube (sorry about the pun), and people watch...what? Britney and LiLo I can see, they have some sort of talent...
The shuttle landed and it was an experience to watch the launch, my friends...we were there...I was watching a show last night on the wives of the original Apollo Astronauts...the men were rock stars and it was in the 60's...fascinating piece of journalism...PBS...catch a look...
So, off I go up to the great northwest...playing in the Masterz....as well as with my buddies a couple of times sandwiching the tourney...hope the weather is brilliant...