Speak Easy

When laws, however unpopular, are set in to place...there is the chance that undercurrents may start up
...nearly 100 years ago, there was this ban on alcohol...can't make it, can't sell it, can't buy it...right...so the under world took over...illegal moonshines...great stories on those...beer makers, stopped?...right...out of this restriction came the Speak Easy...private clubs, that were hidden from the police, and perhaps, most of the public...

This era is not done, kids...the present SCOTUS, the Supreme Court of the land...is taking us back...to when we were NOT integrated...not just black and white...but, all colors...and all types of people...people, just people, who want to live their lives like anyone else...I am truly ashamed of the direction of that court...men, make that MEN, making decisions on what the WOMEN do with their bodies...they, hide behind, their token nomenclature of Christianity...are you Christian?...if not, you are not worthy...a heathen...what ruling are they to make as law next?...to be sure, it is not the will of the majority of the people...the minority....think about that...I am disgusted that trump orchestrated a lot of this...am sure, not knowing that he would be behind it...it happened, and then, he felt it was all about him...time will show, that this was the worst of times, for the court...in the next generation, with the will of the people, these laws that this group has put forth, WILL BE CORRECTED!...

Affirmative action...the equality of all races to get into a college or university...yup, SCOTUS struck that down...do you actually think that all high schools are equal?...great students come out of all types...but, their preparation is not the same...thus, those who have been prepped in the poorer areas, are at a severe disadvantage to get in a school...it is just a true statement...my guess is the Speak Easy...what does that mean?...the admission staffs will do what they have always done...trying to get equality into their schools of higher education...regardless of the SCOTUS law...via a Speak Easy...well, I hope they do...

Moving on...

You know I write as often as I can, for the love of it...because you want to read the mind of the Horse...often, you may have different opinions than I...which I never ever squash...it's YOUR opinion...cool...in many ways, I want you to think it through...it's not necessary to agree with moi...and, oh by the way, I would NEVER charge you to read me (some do)...it is my passion, and NOT a means for living...I get goosed up just writing...that's all I need...is for your occasional comment...

The Friars...now in a disturbing tailspin...6 straight losses...most have to do with abhorrent relief pitching...which gives up way too many runs, and leads...staffed poorly by the GM...not sure who calls the shots on who does pitch, he or the field manager...but things are not working...most franchises start the firing business, like real soon...can't fire the players, so...the bosses go...

Speaking of firing...ESPN is cleaning house...on their broadcasters...one who has been given his pink slip is basket balling Jeff Van Gundy...who, in this blogger's mind, was turrible...he was rarely right, and talked too much...

What's with all the white pickups?...never seen so many on the road this past 10 days...I asked one dude, and he said he got a good deal on his...whatever that means...

BTW, Cosmo drove like a dream machine...15.2 mpg...regular...hey, that brings up the petrol thang in Orygun...that the public has the right to fill their own tanks up now...welcome to the plight of all states, except one...?...New Jersey...have to admit, during the rainy season, it was quite nice to have someone do that for ya...ladies, you have a new job to do...in your high heals...hands reeking of the petrol...

We are now in July, kids...and this is a month of shows that we have...better weather?...hope so...gosh, we have a boatload of washing to do...

Tonight we go over to the Shell, on the Bayfront...and see the one and only Beach Boys...the Mike Love group...which has to be the umpteenth time...always a great concert and John Stamos is with em this eve...'round round, get around, I get around'...here's a pix of Bruce Johnston and the Boss...from last year...


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