The Desert Tidbits

Well, it snowed a bit this am...right...85*...the dog, Duffy, is a great one...goes right out and does his duty...FYI...slept with us the whole nite...BUT, here is where it gets iffy...we had to head on out in the afternoon, to get some missing items for the happy we chose Walmart...closer than WinCo...a HUGE mistake...

You see, from the moment we got out of the VDub, there was stuff...people hot, I guess tempers were just as fiery...and from there on, felt like we must be on TV...Allen Funt's one...the most bizarre folk EVERYWHERE!...will not describe 'em...suffice to say, I was looking all over for the cameras...I was being tested...this is not ethical, or whatever...we asked a worker, where the salsa was...ah, donde esta salsa?...what?...oh well, off we went to shop...on our know, most of the things I could tell you about, makes this Native American seem for some of you, we'll, most of you, reverse discrimination...checking out...took 20 minutes!...with just one person ahead of us...took FOUR checkers to handle what she was putting down...she had some type of vouchers...that wouldn't go thru their first class computer system...again, I was searching for the cameras...our turn, and the NEW checker, the other 4 departed...took 2 minutes trying to scan the lie...serenity now...serenity now...and therefor, never again...

Saw the funniest gig ever...reminds me of when we lived on the golf course back in Orygun...this dude, would go lie close to a ball that was hit into his backyard...lay flat...the perpetrator, er golfer...would come look for his ball....see the guy down...and move, I can't believe I didn't do that to Big Larry when he hit into my place...

All we have to do is beat the Bums at home...that's all...of course, hardly anyone can do this...BUT, if we are truly a playoff team, we shall...GO FRIARS!...

The temp is gonna be down today...105*...well, that's a welcome know it's a dry heat... has the pool involved...then a trip to the casino...chinese food and some games...I'd leave Boss at the bar, but she is not to be trusted...

Marjorie Taylor Greene...fresh off her 7th attempt at a GED...'I don't take asteroids.  I believe in the church and my gym and building muscles naturally.'...

The Voice...has some really really good talent this season...really...

My FF team, the Orygun Reign...still searching for it's maiden inquiries from Florida yesterday for the vacant OC job...a Tallahassee Lassie...hmmm, perhaps a lady OC would be the right choice...

Some of my very merry men, from the home...with high school out VP Harris as she sports college degrees and passed the bar...they, however, have never passed by a bar, without stopping...I guess equal, or, thus, even better...

Here we go again...a 75 club?...there is no such thing...stop!...

Which line of cars is greater?....the ones leaving Florida, cuz of the impending hurricane Ian...or the ones leaving Russia, cuz of the impending military draft by Putin?...



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