Term Limits

I know I have talked about this before...but, it warrants another TERM
...the idea that came from the master mind of one Larry Gahr...in one of our rousing talks about politics...for youse unaware of the bloke, he was a teacher, coach in the grand state of Orygun...last time out, I asked if he talked to others about this, especially his golfing crew...nope...just all from his perspective...that the Presidency and the Congressionals (Reps and Senators), are garnered for one SIX YEAR TERM...ONLY!...that way, the winner works at his or her position the ENTIRE time, and not for re-election the last TWO years of it, like they do now...

I like the idea of fresh faces in the power seats...one might say, younger folk...but, that is not necessarily so...an elder could run, just not back to back...right?...there are so many implications that would come about, for sure...there would be tweaks and twists and who knows...and to change this, would mean a full scale adaptation by Congress...these selfish heathens would vote this amendment down in a heart beat...ha ha...but, the concept is refreshing and warranted...

Throw this in...my addition is that ALL SCOTUS, Supreme Court squatters, must be duly elected by the VOTE of the people, not by the Senators...

just sayin'...


The Friars opened up their arsenal in game 1 in DC...10 runs...this after hearing the news of Jr's highly disappointing use of PEDS and his ban for 80 games...we are just fine without him...maybe lit a fire beneath our seats, to prove this...

The haul at donny's place...the spin that his forevers are putting on this, is highly laughable....but expected...however, in truth, it is extremely damning...and the ramifications are worse than even they are thinking...as I have said often...we are just scratching the surface...orange is turning red...then black?...

58 days of the price of petrol falling...I know of many Republicans who said that this would never happen...wrong again...

I had given you one vantage (disadvantage) of the Norman Tour...the LIV...the Saudi backed one...and that information is now being queried...that the players in it, DO get playoff monies...not, a pay back on their legend that they signed on for at the beginning...OK...let's hear from the dudes...2 days, 2 different reports...

Staying on that subject...have you heard of anyone, pro and other...that hasn't said that Greg Norman is an arse?...

Correct me if I am wrong...you date a gal, and she dumps you...I don't care what level of life you are on...you feel like crap...but, do YOU go to 'trauma therapy?'...listen dude, you gotta know what you are getting into...in the first place...and last place...

This is tough for me to write...but, is there any team that can beat the Bums in a 7 game series?...nope...they are the bomb...drat it...

Bizarre news outta Mexico...that American consulates and er, Americans, I reckon...should shelter in place...now!...cuz of danger...Tijuana, Tecate, Rosarita, Ensenada, and Mexacali, due to 'violence that has broken out in Baja California'...20 miles south of here, kids...stay north of that border, duh...

This is officially 'reunion season'...not sure when ours is...let's see, graduated from high school in '65...hmmm, the math is not there...but, will head on up for a reunion with the Snookis, anyhoo...in September and go to the Oregon St Fair and see them Beach Boys, you know, the month of the Boys...how long does it take for that hair growth thinger to work?...

You ever figure out why the Stock Market has been an upper for the past few months?...me neither...'leave it alone'...I guess that's right...as our money dude, JJ, hasn't called us in months...shoot, he's probably vacationing in the Caribbean and buying himself a new car...

Gonna end with this...how any Republican can look into the mirror and say 'I support trump'...and lambast the FBI...if you can't buy into the sealant to our security system for the country...then, maybe YOU should look elsewhere...try Mexico...



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