The FBI Raid

Just when I think I have seen or heard it all
...the news of the FBI Raid on trump's pad in Mara-Lago occurs...took most of the day?...the reasons are all guess work...for the news people and the common man...and woman...of course, donny and his forevers are livid...the 'officials' in charge are trumps' appointees, back when...which is a big haha...many say it has to do with the mountains of classified material (illegally) took with him, when he vacated the White House...perhaps...

donny seemed to let on to those who would listen, that 'they' even broke into his 'safe'...must have been quite the code he used...ah, 1-2-3-4?...suppose, something he could he was huddled up in his NYC Tower...away from all his brouhaha...there was a vid clip of him, getting into a limo...geez, how many secret service agents are assigned to him?...looked like 10 or so...I guess it makes sense, as he has got to be one of the most disliked blokes in the country...

Safe? we continue to wait for the un-shelling of the new look another 1-0 game...a play at the plate in the close...the ump called our guy safe, and we were tied...not so fast, said the Giants...challenge...and back to Jersey, for the confirmation or reversal...we see the replay probably ten times...I got him safe...supposed to be irrefutable 'evidence' to have a reversal...from the on-field call....have no idea what Jersey saw...he was deemed OUT!...and that's the way it ended...

The passing of the great Olivia Newton the tender age of 73....breast cancer...she will live in infamy for her role in 'Grease' as Sandy...we saw her a few years back in was a great show...

Serena Williams, one of, if not the best female tennis player of all time...the GOAT? retiring after the US Open...I could see this coming, after her last T...enough is enough, time to move on...

The past?...I absolutely lurved A&W Root Beer...the root beer floats, to die for...their burgers were real ones, too...the drive ins...all way cool...part of the old times...

This is what I call a 'clean up' day for the Horse...taking the VDub in for a lube oil and filter change...then a couple of watches to my watch dude...and then get me hairs cut...all the while, the turkey breast cooks in the slow it off with a zoom HH with them Gahrs...wherever they are...

Can you imagine coaching this dude?...Kevin Durant has asked the Nets either trade him or fire the GM and Coach (Nash)...throw in the 'earth is flat' Kyrie Irving...'I ain't getting no shots'...which meant he played no home trade trade...both of them...start over...

Speaking of flubs...I had a 70 yd wedge from the other guys fairway...ground was wet, and the Horse chunked it right in the turf...RIGHT in front of the group ahead of us...the dude laughed and looked at me 'it's just a game'...'a silly game'...and off he is true...BTW, is it really possible to miss 15 putts inside of 10 feet on 15 different holes? is...a silly game...

I am way out of it, apparently....the Horse has no idea who Bad Bunny is...I know Bugs Bunny...I know Bunny Rabbit...I know Peter Rabbit...and the White Rabbit...even Roger Rabbit...the Energizer Bunny...the Velveteen Rabbit...but NOT...Bad Bunny...


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