Perpetually Pathetic
As I ran a feature of the potential new SCOTUS member yesterday...Ketanji Brown Jackson...the grilling of her by the Senate members...the questions were as PERPETUALLY PATHETIC as they are themselves...a disgrace to the see, they gather in a conference out who is going to ask what...and let the show begin...dancing all around the fact that she is black...but the insinuation is there...trying in vain to have her trip up SOMEWHERE...
The leaders of the assault are the norms...the same repulsive bunch of negative characters...Marsha Blackburn, Lindsey Graham, and of course, Teddy that he made it out of Montana...not exactly sure how this lady can withstand just unleashing on the foos...I guess it is part of the process...wonder if these 3 run back their performances when they get back in their offices?...can they be proud?...
The Putin War...he is now threatening harsher his troops on the ground are not advancing as quickly as he wants...there are rumors, that the counteroffensive is beginning to take shape...put the Putins on retreat...this would be really interesting, and a sign of things to come...
The is said by many...well, a guy from Harvard, a lad from Oklahoma, and, a lady from Utah, that you can't tell much from the Cactus League results, how the regular season will go...AND, I certainly hope THEY are this team is looking bad...need relief pitchers, you hear me?...
We are in the preliminary steps for making our annual Orygun trip this summer...via Cosmo...looking at the departure date of circa the end of June...mark your calendars...
The OSCARS are coming up this Sunday...more notoriety for the pretty people of the LALA scene...I suppose if I won an Oscar, I would bubble over, too...cry and thank all my friends, and my agent...wait, I have no agent...of course then, thank God...ah, they don't do this on the Academy Awards, that is done by the singers awards shows...wonder why that is?...non-believers?...guess that is a touchy subject...
The Florida Guv, thinks it is his prerogative to overturn an NCAA swimming event result...taking the winner down, cuz she is his 'Non-Gay' state...this is an NCAA issue, not a Guv issue...political...
You golf purists...can you tell me why the putter can cost the same amount as a driver?...$500?...'be the ball be the ball'...shoot, now they are $600!...
The Horse thrives on his music...don't you like how I talk in the 3rd person?...right...'Jimmy doesn't like you, Kramer'...but a perfect song for this day...'What's Going On?' by Marvin Gaye...