Judge Jackson

I can think back to maybe 4 Senatorial grilling of potential Supreme Court Judges
...the GRILL...is by the block of Senators that the candidate is NOT part of...well, nominated by the opposing party of that sitting President...clear?...kind of...the fact that no human is perfect, is absolutely evident in the questioning...nobody...

The process itself, is archaic...the Grillers, who themselves are filled with imperfections, seek out the flaws of the potential SCOTUS member...it was the way of the Democrats as they questioned the trump ones...shoot, one year, the Republicans blocked any Prez O candidate for a full year...never got to the point of prosecution (well, it is)...

The current person up for the court, is a black female judge...Ketanji Brown Jackson...seemingly a solid candidate for the position...and if you are interested, you can can hear and watch the absurdity of some of the questions posed to her...CRT will be one for sure...Critical Race Theory...someone doesn't want that taught?...'let's only do white history'...egads...it will get worse...just wait for Teddy Cruz's act to commence...

Thing is...this position should be a vote of the people, not some set of Senators, who the Horse doesn't trust at all...it is in the states...why not Nationally?...just like the Electoral College, the originators of all what we (?) decide has a caveat of protecting the elite of the country...just in case the common man and now woman, makes a voting error...elects the wrong person...

Which brings me to this, which has a slight connection to all Senatorial voting...when a state elects a Senator...he or she, goes into the Senate, perhaps, with great intentions of doing the right thing...vote and represent the will of his or her constituents...and then...POOF!...he or she immediately bands with the block of Senators that he or she is part of...gone is the representation...now, the polarity begins...it is wrong, kids...dead wrong...

I need to calm down...

The ladies D-1 T was on last eve...did watch the UConn gals and the UCF gals go at it...defensive struggle...kind of like the type of Zone that the Floridians were using...a sneaky, delayed, half court trap...I tried that years ago...this coach, has perfected it....anyhoo, UConn escaped and is in the Sweet 16...again...OMG, both teams had to suffer through some odious officiating...the mantra...

American Idol...again, the production is what makes this go...the 3 judges are solid...still, I have yet to hear a can't miss star to be...guess it takes time...maybe the production of it...will steer us to him or her...

The Masters is set to go in a couple of weeks...the best golf show there is...takes a lot to qualify to play in it...shoot, to get tickets to get in to watch it, too...3 time winner, Lefty, is left out of this one...?...not sure I heard why...perhaps, cuz of the crap he has been saying about the tour?...I dunno...was it his choice?...

Your guy LeBron...says he is having 'the time of his life'...scoring at will...as his team is 10 games under .500...and barely qualifying for the playoffs...think about it, he gets to shoot whenever he wants...not a fan of him or his actions...I may be the only one who feels like that...

Read this, and I take no credit for it's meaning...or creativity...'at my funeral, I hope someone takes the flowers off my casket, and throws them into the crowd to see who is next!'....

Disney employees are staging a walkout today...cuz of Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill...oh my, that state has got to get some qualified leaders back into power...

The Padres...like the kid they picked up from the damn Yankees...but, the lack of pitching will doom us again...unless, AJ gets off his rear and does something...we don't even have a closer...who does that?...

Kid Rock actually said that trump turned to HIM for advice on how to handle North Korea...grounds for admitting HIM to the mental institution immediately...well, both of them...

Getting another chance...Marcus Mariota has signed with the Atlanta Falcons for 2 years...I am a believer...and now am pulling for the Falcons...

Hard to comprehend...but put on the back burner in many web net sources...the past weekend was filled with shootings in the US...all over the country...it is getting to be ho hum...sad...

That Chinese passenger jet...either got shot out of the sky, or someone was at the controls, heading it straight down...

South Carolina...apparently not happy with the way that they kill people on death row...the lethal injections not working?...have Okayed the reinstatement of the firing squad...where are we and what time period is this?...did you know that 3 other states are doing this now?...Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Utah...

Gonna end with this gem...Teddy gem...for some reason Teddy Cruz was in Montana...and missed his flight back to wherever...and confronted the ticket agents...upset, he went with this 'don't you know who I am?'...ah, no...do you know who I am?...


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