Choices Choices
Uh oh, the Horse was a thinking again...way deep...we, the people, have CHOICES to make, most every single general, as to VOTE for a Democrat or a Republican...why do we have but 2 to pick from? go to your local Costco...they have already limited your CHOICES to two of most the flower stand, boxed or unboxed?...yea, so there are more of the 'so many CHOICES' times, that we, you, or I, just stare at all that are available...
Looking at a 'food board'...standing in others are waiting for you to many of you just freeze up?...can not make up your mind...'they are all so good'...just try a coffee drive up window...'an American, double shot, with cream, and extra ice' all cars that suggest that you use ethyl, can they function with the mid range one?...or, the blasphemy of it all, regular?...
Milk...non fat, 2%, fatty milk...and what the hell is organic milk? these cows have special treatment, on what part of the ranch?...the organic side?...same with bananas, they have organic ones?...hmmm...why are all the organic strawberries, half the size of the non-organic?...
Why then, when my barber asks how I want my hair cut...shortened on the sides, block the back and just a bit off the top, they give me the military cut every single time...$17 dollars please...there is no choice, so why ask?...'sit your arse down here, and I will cut your hair the way I want'...
Which brings me back to this...why do you damn Repubs only have 2 CHOICES?...trump or no trump?...can't you come up with some other CHOICES?...I implore you to find more...yes more...CHOICES...
The NBA trade deadline...probably the happiest I have been...for totally selfish reasoning...the LaLa Lakers made no moves...that means the most over-rated team in the league is stuck with this great...the Hardin/Simmons trade did go through...gosh, I listened to the pundits attack this from all angles...I disagree with them, made both teams the Nets lost their 10th straight last eve...boohahah...
Man, the weather hit like 87* yesterday...and yup, the Horse hit the pool...pictured here in the blog set to Singing Hills, where they are saying only 84* today...purrrfect...
This from our government...that there were 55 Fortune 500 Companies, that didn't pay a cent in taxes last year...ah, what?...
Finally...whew...the Sooper Bowl is this weekend...duh...and I have to give you fodder for your be perfectly clear, I know very little...but, I see a 31-13 win by the Rams...the defensive line will rock steady over the pathetic Bengal O line...the Horse has spoken...