Rock Steady

The weather turned absolutely gorgeous...81* out at Singing Hills, yesterday El Cajon...sun so fine, that on the way home, the top was down on the Beetle...some days are just better than others...this one, sublime...the forecasters say we are in for a week of this...are you thinking like I am?...the pool, kids, to the pool...lay out and 'noodle time' in the agua...the ear buds in and some tunes about 'Rock Steady?' know who sang this? you a quid you don't...the Whispers...released in '87...but the one who really got the notoriety for it...was Aretha...

The 9 head coaching spots have been filled in the NFL...two black coaches were indeed hired...Lovie Smith for the Texans, and Mike McDaniel for the Dolphins...the latter, physically hard to tell, as his dad is there we go, 3 minorities in the league as head a work place of 57.5% do the math...we have a long ways to go, when it comes to ownership...

The mask mandate for Cali comes down at the end of this week...for those who are fully carry your card or whatever proof you have on your cell phone...I will say that most people did follow the rule, here in the south SoCal land...

When it rolls around to this time of the year...Valentines must be creative, and not sterile...go beyond the box...of chocolates...although, that can be a winner...I got the wrong kind of it, and have never heard the end of that...say this one more time...GODIVA!...only...not Whitmans, Sees, or whatever...if it were really up to me, I'd get her a giant Snicker's we could share...really, isn't that what the day should be about?...sharing your lurve?...OK, perhaps, a nightie?...we had a friend that bought her own, for him, of course...hmmm, right...a teddy bear?...dd that already...the bloody roses?...ah, I mean the red ones...well, good luck, and don't make a mistake...

Appears that more and more Joe Rogan tapes are showing up...and his wailing does tend to make him racist...he sternly apologizes for them...'taken out of context'...does that ever work?...well, he got the blessing of trump...who told him to stop apologizing...the mantra of donny...

Dang it all, I was going to leave him outta today's entry...just couldn't do it...

Tom Brady, Tom Terrific...recently retired Tom...let this gem out...on his outta work...'never say never'...listen dude, you are smart, not suffering from any concussions, and are for the Senate...have Gronk as your body guard...

The Sooper Bowl...when many folk actually watch a football game...not for the play, but the commercials and the half time show...not sure who is performing this year...Janet Jackson?...probably not...due to the pandemic, the mass gatherings are out...well, for us...but I am going to make some wings, just the same...

The Oscars...the rich and famous honor themselves...did notice that the Lucy and Rickey movie got the actors up for the awards...really, we tried to watch it and it was TERRIBLE!...awful...dreadful...

You want a kick in the head, every morn? the New York never ever holds back...I wonder what % is really true in least it makes me wonder...

"I don't want anything for Valentines Day" not believe that for one second, dudes...not one's a trap...

There was some mention of a name that I was not aware of...when it came to the probable Russian invasion of the Ukraine...that our country was throwing out...Nord Stream 2...did you see this?...WTF?...somehow, the USA is threatening to shut it down, if Russia invades...a gas I get it...this has impact...hmmm...

What we don't know...


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