Trickle Down?
As we have long accepted the generality of the differences of our two parties in the US of A...the rich cats of the Republicans, and the common man of the Democrats...the Horse was the one that saw it differently...first and foremost, there is lots of money in both...there once was a boatload of unions...not so much anymore...the fragmentation within both parties is confusing...whatever happened to the Tea Party?...the ultra rich, have gotten richer...what was suggested a mere 50 years ago, by Prez Reagan...that feed the upper tier, and the common man would benefit, too...the TRICKLE DOWN...???...
I dunno...I'm just talking here...with 1/3 of the eligible people NOT the best of times...well, this confuses moi...why not?...and 50% of the people not paying there a trickle down? many are still on food stamps?...the homeless and or, street people appear to have multiplied...all over the place... bewildering...but, this I find a truth...that most people can't be persuaded to change parties...regardless who is leading them...this I find very much for you are not swaying very many peeps, if any...the 'non-committed voter' is a misnomer...prove me wrong, kids...
I missed the clash of the former Duck QB's...the LA Chargers playing the Las Vegas Raiders...two transplanted franchises...the LV QB, went down and was replaced by Marcus Mariota...who has not played all season...the Charger's dude, and highly probable ROY, Justin Herbert, led an OT win...both Duck QB's...had peops texting me, that they were on...UO be proud!...
Yup, them Ducks are in LaLa, in the Pac 12 champ game vs the Trojans...who are favored by 3...5 pm...lordy, I hope I can see that...
Staying in that area...Snooki's song of the day...'Walking In The Rain' by The Ronettes...and Jay and the Americans (my most under-rated group of the decade) and the Walker Bros...the PNW elder is mired in countless days of rain...I feel your pain, dude...
A highlight?...VP Pence and his wife got the Pfizer vaccine and in color...trump was no where found, or seen...probably in his bunker, still...
Guliani, the minister of madness, arrived back from Russia...hailed a bus, and was turned away, no mask...was seen walking in the snow...trying to thumb a ride...
When Congress writes and passes a bill, that is Prez proof...that he can't veto it...makes me wonder why they don't write them all like that, with you know who is in the White House...
Our Xmas present to ourselves...we did order a TV that has earc in it...well, Marsh is not too crazy about that....but...whatever...