Oh What A Day

Morning, kids!
...it was what it was supposed to be...the Electoral College did it's thing...and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are our next Prez and, drum roll please, Madame Vice Prez!...the glorious moment in time, is always badgered by the scrupulous ways of trump...refusing to concede...trying everything that money, that he is using from others, can afford to waste away...

Let's start with the very good...the Biden/Harris ticket won by 7 million votes, and 70 electoral votes...the will of the people has spoken...the cabinet that he has chosen, is filled with quality folk...of course, the Senate has something to say about the members...more drama...in due time...as I have said repeatedly over the past year...we are going back into reality...and to the safe haven of NATO...returning to OUR allies, and bidding adieu to trumps' Putin and Kim...

The bad...is this not similar to other wannabe dictator types?...huddled up in their bunker, with the last 'yes men and women' by his side...plotting another ploy to stay in power?...alas, the armor is falling apart...AG Billy Barr is leaving...resigned or fired, who cares?...who is left?...well, Jared...Ivanka...Mullvaney...get over it, bloke...you are a LOSER!...leave before the rail cometh...

The first of the Pfizer vaccines have been administered...the rampant rumor is that Moderna is about to be voted in...and we shall have more vaccines available...yes, kids, we will get ours ASAP...well, whenever our tier hits...

In this unpredictable college football season...the Pac 12 champ game...has USC in the south...and ? in the north...supposed to be the Dawgs of Washington...but, they are mired in Covid, so it turns out to be the Ducks...the game is this Friday, in LaLa...not our best team, but enough to beat the Trojans?...I doubt it...

A Q...why would there be any bowl games, if there are no fans in the stands?...

trump keeps saying that 74 million people want the election to go his way...well, dude, 81 million people feel the other way...you lost...you are a loser...go now...

It was 40 years ago today, that our life changed forever...and for the better...the birth of our son, and now Dr. Cristopher Allan Joseph Shepard...we love him so much...here with my mother...

Snooki's song of the day...'Little Saint Nick' by The Beach Boys...I have this Xmas vinyl of theirs...it's fun...what's your fav Christmas song?...

Speaking of Rudy, the minister of madness, he won't be allowed back into the White House until he finds them towers...he called donny and told trump "I've looked everywhere, master, and no luck thus far...how is the sabotage of the election going?"...there was no answer...

Hey, what a stupendous NFL game last eve...right?...actual scoring going on...Ravens over the Browns in a nail biter...2 really good teams going at it...I stayed up for the end...and then, hit the bed...wonder what the spread was, as Baltimore scored a safety at the end, due to one of them pass til you drop plays...went from 3 to 5...talking cash here...

How critical is the vote in Georgia?...the Senate depends on the outcome...Prez Biden is going there...will trump?...

I shot may age yesterday...I am now 79...


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