A Jockey

By now, you have probably guessed that I am a fan of the horse racing...geez, since me high school days...don't bother to calculate that...it's been awhile...the passion and all...one of the things that intrigues me so much, is the riding of those magnificent animals...it's hard and it takes a while to figure out...the horse is 1,000 lbs +, with tiny ankles, and pretty much has a mind of it's own...and when it decides it is time to run, it becomes a tad bit scary...I like it, but I have to 'know' that the one I am on, is 'tame'...

As I was perusing thru the TVG (horse race betting channel) site the other day, watching the races on the tele...I heard the announcer say that one of the jockeys was an extreme veteran...ah what?...like military?...I dug deeper...no, he is a horse rider of many years...think about this, these race horses go really, really fast...like 40 mph!...of course, it depends on how far they are going...and the weight of the jockey is around 120 lbs, give or take...imagine...the danger in this...

Well now, this dude...gosh, gonna call him something else...this veteran...his name is Perry Ouzts...he has had over 7,073 wins, and counting...7th ranked all time...and get this...hold on....he is SIXTY-SIX years young...66!!!...and still racing...and has raced all over the place...Turfway being one of them...I can't recall where he is now...so when you feel like you are like really old and can't hardly get out of bed...just think about this veteran, who rides the race horses STILL at 66...


You KNEW this was gonna happen...Huge Orange is calling out all his weapons to get the John Bolton book BLOCKED from getting released...using 'national security' as his reasoning...hey dude, it should be 'self preservation'...this, after I have it pre-paid and awaiting from Amazon...and yet another book is looming...from a Trump family (Donny's niece) member...and from all accounts, it is damning, too...what will be his grounds for banning this one?...

Snooki's song of the day...'Sweet Love' by the Commodores...of course, you mean Lionel Richie...as he says 'time to step back from the angst'...the PNW lad did, that is...

Dr Fauci said he would not attend the Orange Revival in Tulsa...citing the virus...c'mon people, get a grip...on reality...

I can't believe that it is still named this...the pancake mix...Aunt Jemima...finally they are gonna change the name...now, if the NFL team will just do the same for the 'Redskins'...duh...

The Futures?...a slightly up day...and the cruise ship stocks?...a downer...gosh, they are indeed volatile...

Why oh why isn't jockeys, jockies?...


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