Our Country Is Full

Reality is, that he is bellowing that phrase out for you and I...his persistent monologue of the need for a Trump Wall...here's where it gets sticky...there are humongous problems that are plaguing the Central America AND South American countries...many of them, let's be clear...their solution is to vacate their homeland for safety, in most cases...migrate north to where there is this promise land...of the lack of persecution and a way of survival...work...money that can feed their families...that they can't get where they were born...see what I mean?...
It's been an issue for many years...however, it has seemed to have risen to a breaking point...the numbers are so great, that the facilities to handle this 'overload' can't handle 'em....
CC has decided that it's not our problem...well, he doesn't want it to be...close the border...refuse any aide to the countries most in debt...his theory is that the millions of dollars that we have been sending, don't get to the people...who REALLY need it...so...what happens to all those who feel the passion to get out of the troubled countries?...what IS the solution?...
There is this humanitarian part of me, that says 'what happens to these people' if Trump totally closes down the border?...do we care?...is it someone else's problem?...is it Mexico's?...hmmm...
The ladies Final 4...dont' turn on me, you Oregonians...but, the best 2 TEAMS won...Baylor and Notre Dame...over the Ducks and UConn...yup, the Horse watched the games...they were good ones...and the margin of victory was not great...there were chances a plenty...but, depth won out...ah, yea, the final game is a contrast of styles...I pick...ha ha...nope...I dunno...
The guys Final 4 is today...yes, I will watch these, too...there was an interesting column written about the HC of Auburn...my oh my, he has had a checkered past of recruiting violations...where he has landed...yup...you have to have the horses to pull the carriage...he gets 'em and he wins...at what cost?...which makes me pull against him...so, I pick Virginia in that matchup...
Padres in Saint Looey...won the 'opening day' game there...5-3...as the key culprit in the W, was the 2 run HR by Renfroe, pinch hitting mind you...please, Mgr Einstein, put him and Hedges back in the lineup...and sit the Myers bloke...
The NBA is wrapping up their reg season...oh my, is it too long or what?...the playoffs are to commence...I'm almost to the point of Jimmy Crack Corn...
For ALL the money YOU make, and you STILL use a Flip Phone?...I bet you are using AOL, too...does you computer have color?...
Let's just say for saying sake...if we don't sell the condo right now...we are living in a pretty fantastic area...could be a lot worse...I just hate the wait...
To make matters much worse...Trump actual comment today... 'these aren't people, they are animals'...who says this sort of shit?...yea, our country is full...of one too many foos...
Pete Buttigieg....'You do not refer to human beings as animals. You just don't'...
Kanye officiates at a Sunday Worship...by invitation only...I can't make this stuff up...it's his God and nobody gets to share him...well, unless you get a text...
I try to get into a good mood, I really do...but, when I read and listen to Captain Chaos...it makes me angry...frustrated...how did this happen?...I figure I am one of 70% of the Nation that feels exactly the same way...
VOTE people, VOTE!...
Finally...I was reading my blog to Marsh this am...clarity...and voila!...my iPhone's Siri responded?...what?...I was not touching anything on it...hmmm...hey Doc, maybe YOUR flip phone is much safer...than my X....