The Art of Diplomacy

Hey, all...was in the desert for a couple of days...meeting up with compadres, golf, feed bag, drinks, and a din din ...all fun and great stuff...the golf was at Cimarron GC, which was in great shape and just...plain...old...good times...

This is a pix from the club house...notice the mountains in the background, sporting some fresh snow...doesn't get much more picturesque than this...

So what did you miss while I was away?...not much from the White House...mired in a bloody government shut down...over a silly wall that Trump wants in the worst way....well, all his ways are the worst...I digress...

He had some of the major players in to the Big House, for a session of negotiations over his structure...which didn't last long...he asked Nancy Pelosi if she would give him the dough for it...she said no...and he stormed out of the meeting...that was it...wasn't he supposed to be the master of diplomacy?...of course, not...he owns the bullying pulpit...thinks that he can get whatever he wants by doing so...rule by know bosses, er, leaders, like that...

Tomorrow, there will be 800,000 govt workers not getting a pay check...they shall thank Trump for the lack of money...his form of diplomacy...listen, kids...I have been aware of all the Presidents in my lifetime...not fond of a few, LBJ and Tricky Dicky...but, the rest, have been true leaders...this one, Trump, is by far the worst that the country has EVER had...not even close...

The finals for the D1 football game was a blow Clemson won for the 2nd time in 3 years...tickled we  were at a happy hour in  La Quinta, watching it...I would say 75% of the patrons were pulling for the Tigers...yes, Jimmy crack corn...but, watching 'Bama lose, was kind of nice...

As we were driving into the heat, well, it was supposed to was more mild, I'd say...we noticed the billboards promoting the Beach Boys in town!...Feb 1...we got on our buds, Deb and Lar, in motion...and we will return for the gala event...CHEERS!...if you have never been to one of their concerts, get after much fun...our number has to be in the double digits...FUN FUN FUN...

And, of course, many thanks to them Mackles...for sittin' our Sammi!

Well, we are back and will start writing again in the am...Horse talk...


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