The Next 25

Is it just me, or the space between Thanksgiving and the beginning of the Christmas Season, was longer than ever before?...I mean, it is just NOW memory must not be the same as in days before...ha, which means I have to do the inevitable, pay them damn bills today...later on today, is the Marsha Xmas WORK Party...yes, I have to put on some fancy does she...listen, it really is a fun, festive long as the Horse doesn't talk politics...

A sad time for the country...the passing of the 41st President...George HW Bush...whose wife died earlier in the year...I guess that's the way it has to be...a full, rich life...for sure...he was a good man and good Prez...he will be missed...

Something I have never accomplished before...yesterday...walked over to Striders...the off track betting site...some say it may be too close to us gamblers...I digress...well, that's not the 'never' was this...I picked ALL 8 winners of the races at Del Mar...yes, hit the early Pick 3, the early Pick 5, and the late Pick's a feather in me cap...think about this, kids...try to handicap 5 races before the first one goes...I think it's the 6th time I have hit it...normally, those who hit it, and the Pick 6, too...are conglomerates...groups of people putting lots of cash, and options, in...but, I do it all by me was a good day, kids...

The Pac 12 had their champ game in the SF area last nite...the Dawgs vs it STUNK!...the game was marred by a number of questionable calls, or lack of calls...too bad, as the winner gets to go to the Rose Bowl...yup, the Huskies of Washington survived...something was up...and yea, I didn't care who won...

The NBA...quit with the comparison of LeBron James and Michael Jordan...stop it...there is none...LeBron doesn't play defense...loafs about, and looks for an occasional block or steal...Michael played EVERY moment, hard...looked into your eye, and matched you...mano a mano...absolutely NO EQUIVALENCE!....

I'm going to tell ya, that the Blazers are a lot better this all phases...but, there are other teams that have picked up their game, too...the Nuggets, for's the bloody 3 ball...which has changed the game so much...everyone shoots it my mind, the game has regressed...

Terrifying news out of Alaska...a 7.2 the shores of Anchorage...about a minute...egads...reminds me of when we first moved down here...we were walking the dog...and the ground shimmied about...45 seconds or no likea...

An observation....with zero facts behind it...Trump has gained a lot of weight...and he seems to be straining when he speaks, er shouts, to whomever he wants them to hear...his oration...

Michael Cohen...after his opening up to the Mueller folks...who says folks anymore?...I hoping that his 'conversations' will get him a stay from prison...cuz, he ain't getting a pardon from Donny, now...

Try this one on...Nashville is having it's annual Christmas Parade today...the Grand Poopah, er, Grand Marshall, was to be the one and only Kid Rock!...well now, he kind of spoke his mind about thangs, via the Horse blog type...called out the View's Joy Bahar, as a bitch...oops...he gone!...the new GM is...James Shaw, Jr...the Waffle House shooting survivor...

I can't make this stuff up...a Cleveland radio station...WDOK, 102.1 on your radio dial...who plays primarily Christmas pulling all of their 'Baby It's Cold Outside' versions...some ONE called in to complain that it referred to rape in the lyrics...ah, here you tell me...


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