Off In The Heat

Hi, kids...maybe not the smartest move...but, I am off playing golf in this bloody, will post again tomorrow...

A few thangs...yesterday, I wrote about the 'Third Party'...which should have been the, 'Third Way'...yes, them Demos right of Bernie, but left of any Repubs...

The dude playing WITH Tiger, won the Open...Francesco Molinari...Italian...he has been hot hot hot...

Another mass shooting, this time in Toronto...and the press is saying ho hum....really?...

Mission Beach felt like Maui yesterday...oh yea...and whomever had the biggest and latest tent or sun blocking structure, won the day...

The quickest and most simple way to handle the kneel or stand dilemma in the NFL?...stay in the locker room while the Anthem is being played or sung...or try this...have a picture of the Prez, er Trump, on the big screens, while the Anthem is you hear and see things that are far worse than a kneel...

Hmmm, Johnny Football got traded in the much for domination up there...

Got to give all credence to Ms Taylor know when you buy outside venue tix for usually says, 'rain or shine'...well in Jersey, it rained...and she performed in it...the rain...her entire show!...fuggit about the makeup...5 Horses!...

Wish I was at Del Mar yesterday...them long shots came in...not that I would have had 'em...but, maybe...this week sometime...right, Hdcp Andy?...

How many hours would have Dick Cheney and Donny worked together, before one would have popped the other?...

Wooah, I wrote more than I thought I had time for...gots to go...

Have a great start to your week, all!


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