Equal Billing

Some may say that all of the drama of the Repubs is in fact, the JV game...ha ha...as the Demos kick into gear tonight...for their VAHSITY event...only 3 in spat mode...Hilz, Bernie, and Martin O'Malley...yet...they found a way to get a drama thinger going...

One of Bernie's aides got into the "Voter Data Access" issue...somehow implicating the Hilz...like it's HER DATA?...hmmm...well, now...there are rumors that the leader of the DNC, the one and only Debbie Wasserman Schultz...has been leaning towards Clinton...and all heck has broke out...just what the Demo peops want...some have been calling for her dismissal...hmmm...

The site of the debate?...New Hampshire...hosted by a coupling of ABC News and WMUR...what the heck is that?...anyway, I gots to be real...this has none of the fire power that the Repubs have...maybe that's good...I dunno...

Hoops...just a terrific game last eve...as the only team to beat GS, the Milwaukee Bucks...ventured into Alameda Island...and gave the Warriors all they could handle... again...hmmm...played great D on the fan fav Curry...it's the medicine to get him...be very physical...he is a slight built guy...and force the other dudes to beat you...well, they did...and it was a dandy...BTW, am impressed how Jason Kidd has progressed in his coaching...

The bowls begin today...somehow Snooki found a 41st game...geez...well, I gave him my pix...and like always...usually...I have no clue...if the Pac 12 does well, so will I...and the Big 14...hmmm...

Yup, you got this right...it's the thing of the K Fam...each and every one of them...are posting their bare arses...for the world to see and judge...good lord...Khloe unleashed hers today...only in America...Jay and the Americans...

I'm here cuz I'm not golfing...again...boo...I'm still not moving around well enuff...it's been a week...seems like a month...I am going to get out there Tuesday...regardless...shhh, don't tell M...

My Holiday Bowl Tix are still not sold...give it a few more days...and then I'll pull them from Stub Hub...and we will go!...shoot, they are great seats...it'll be funnish...USC/Wisconsin...

The last game ever out at the Q....Sunday...Charger game that is...hosting the Dolphins...normally you see so many Miami peops in the GQ...haven't got down there much...you know us being hobbled...

We did get our this year's version of Santa...a DJ Santa...pictured here...cool stuff, right?...at that Xmas Store over by USD...not as crowded as normal...maybe cuz it's so close to Christmas...

We then hit the beach...and basked in the sun...still not as hot as other years...but enjoyable nonetheless...BTW...when Marsh finally retires...we will move to the beach...I give us about 4 years...

OK...I like Adele a bit...her TV event...hmmm...sorry kids...it was way boring...and we had to FF through most of it...let's just say, she does not have the energy that say, Carrie, Taylor, or...many others have...like Sara...and well, others...you get my point....

Gots to turn on the pixels and begin the 41 game bowl season....egads....

Hey, kids...get out and enjoy the sun...somehow...


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