
If you were to believe the latest "reports", one might think that coffee is good for you...recent studies find many things that support that...ward off cancer, fend off alzheimer...and on and on...fact is a waker upper...a gold jolt for the am...and for most of us, the darker gives the best taste...I prefer french roast, or italian roast...anyway, the fresher the beans, the better the brew...

In the time I have been a blogging, I have gone thru like 4 or 5 different sources of finding the perfect cup of Joe...duh, the slang term for it in the 40', 1940's...and with varying degrees of success or failure, depending on whether you see the glass half full or half empty...the latest is the Black and Decker Mill and Brew...does a good job...but it takes 15 minutes to get the carafe filled...and as you know, dispensed with the Keurig, as I had to clean it way too many times to keep it going right...and it wasn't hot enough for us...

Half empty?...are you one of the blokes that wake up and feel like, lordy I hope the day is better only see the negative all around you?...or are you the ones that feel like this is going to be the best ever? either are one or the other...sorry kids, but it's the truth...

The first thing I the am...while waiting for my scan the web net for the latest...and most of it is the negative...who shot who...who failed know what I mean...that's why I usually scour the it's mostly in the pos side...of course, not always...give me the scores and why the game went that a way...who's leading...and that kind of stuff...what the payouts were at Santa the important part...

With the demise of the written word in print, it makes me wonder how much longer it takes to absorb all the pertinent daily news that have to be dependent on the likes of USA Today, CNN, Fox, and the Huffington Post...or maybe, you go to a Yahoo, AOL, Google, or MSN conglomerate site...I have one that has just that...a bit of fav part?...the map of the US, with the weather on it...for the most part, makes me happy I live where I that half full?...

I got told last night it is inexcusable that I fail to write every, my apologies to you who read me...I will faithfully do my chosen skill...but...something has to tickle me to get me going...sometimes...

The Cavs whupped the Warriors...well, it was in Cleveland...and GS is on a horrid road the excuses are there...fact is, Lebron and company are dang good...probably the best in the

You do have Apple Stock, right?...

Tonight we will catch up on the taped shows we have...shhh, don't tell me about the Idol singers... about that for consistency...I am not a very good linkster...

The Pads are about ready for the the Trib today, the half empty side emerged...are we strong enough up the middle?...can't have everything, right?...

The tour is in Florida...PGA...and the blokes who win out west, never win in the east...really?...yup, diff type of grass...and there are those who can only play on specific stuff...seems crazy to's tuff everywhere I play...north, south, east and west...

Is Breaking News ever good?...


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