Da Boooring Oscars

I tried, I really did...to watch the Academy Awards...the pretty people getting the pretty award from other pretty people...and that was the highlight!...what the pretty people were draping themselves in...but the event itself drug on and on...and on...and on...too many awards for peops that were deserving, yet were unknowns to us masses...and the host was a boor...finally had to switch to the free Blazer game...which too, was a boor...I give the production a D+...just better than passing with a D...

LA Golf T...Northern Trust...a logjam at the top...on a brutally tough course...especially with in-climate weather...the oldies but goodies faded...and out of the pile came the young bucks...D Johnson, fresh from a suspension, the Englishmen, Paul Casey, and the eventual winner, James Hahn...who was my pick...as I boldly predicted to my son earlier in the day...

Birdman...when it comes to the pixels, I will watch it...not until then...

I must get this out...this town is getting downright polarized about the Bolts...

I'm back to a grind and brew coffee maker, if you care...

Is that a toupe or a transplant on the top of Tim McGraw's cabeza?...

What's the record for the number of days straight that a person can eat chicken?...

One of my fav commercials..."Don't count that"...

Lady GaGa can really sing...hmmm, who is she?...I mean, her parents couldn't have possibly named her GaGa when she popped out...right?...

The Bolt's owners and the SD Mayor met privately yesterday...what the heck is going on?...

Make it a mahvelus Monday...


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