The Beach Boys

Picture yourself a table, directly in front of the stage, a plate of nachos, brewskies, a bottle of wine for the ladies, and an hour and half of non-stop Beach Boy's songs...yup, at the Del Mar Fair...packed house, over 10,000 delirious fans...and it was grrrreeeaaaat...Mike Love's son and daughter are becoming more and more of the show...kudos to my Salem buddy, Rick Ward, for getting us the best possible parking, golf cart ride to the gate, then a tour of the humongous fair grounds....not to mention the 2 minute exit from the park...doesn't get any better than that...

The Padres...unbelievable...a, I know it's the Royals...but still...not that the banged the ball all over Petco, but just enough to get the job done...7 of 8 and the folks are thinking, well...just maybe...climb out of the cellar...more chatter about Ludwig and Bell departing...I fear the Phillies are the most interested, especially in Heath...

Tiger...hey, I know exactly what he is going through...I have a bum achilles, too...and rest is the only option...there's no way he could walk 18 holes one day, let alone 4...I'll be surprised if he plays at all the rest of the season..

You know my theory, if there are a boat load of candidates, it'll be a long season for the...republicans...

NBA lockout's the deal...22 out of the 30 teams are losing money...duh, the players are being over paid...duh, the owners charge way too much for what they produce...and the owners want revenue sharing with the fat's hard to side with the I a union basher?  Naw, it's just the time that the players and owners get real...real real...quit charging so much, quit paying the players so much, and forget about making the exorbitant amount of cash from the john q public...

As we prepare for our annual trip to there any way to beat what we can find at Ron Jon's?  I doubt is but a block away from our condo in Cocoa Beach...boogie boarding?  Oh yea...jet boating the swamp for gators?  Oh yea...Waffle house?  Oh yea...Getting Fla tan?  Oh yea...hey it's just a short jaunt away from Cape Kennedy, or is that Cape Canaveral?  Just a different world, kids...if you haven't gone, you've got no idea...

OK, house keeper day...nope, no Arnold here...lots of errands today...


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