Hazel Hotchkiss

Every once in a while I'll come onto a bit of history that I had never, ever, heard of....and from the world of tennis...which is not my favorite...a name emerged that was the dominant player of the ladies circuit in the 10's and 20's...albeit, it was the 1900 hundreds...but she won 17 grand slam titles and I can't believe I didn't know of this person...Hazel Hotchkiss...

Your Republicans...according to the latest polls and all, it looks like Mitt Romney is the leader...closely followed by the Tea Party's Michelle Bachman...at least, that's according to the Iowa caucus folk...your gurl, Sarah, better get hopping, or she'll be left out of the mix... I'm a little afraid of the Tea Party, as a secret society has all the ear markings of trouble...

Just as quickly as it rolls, it giveth away...the Pads win by 9, then go right ahead and lose by 9, the next night...and why do they play at 5:30 on a Saturday?  1 in the afternoon I could see, but 5:30?  Weird, abnormal, silly...but that's the Pad's management...still lots of talk of moving Ludwig, Bell, and Qualls...

Same sex marriage...you have a feeling?  NY goes for it...I am sick and tired of the fake people of the world trying to make their way the only way...I'm listening to Michelle Bachman, say this same thing today on Face The Nation...just a facade...I can't find a possible way I'd ever vote for her...or her type...ever...

We watched a movie all the way through last night...."The Tourist"...Johhny Depp and Angeline Jole...is that how you spell her name?  Light, fluffy, and fun...

My pitching is like the world's worst...and my golfing buddy, then started to give me his tips, as he chili dipped one...then blamed it on watching me...I told him, "turn away, I'm hideous"...

I have posted 965 times in this blog...I hope you enjoy what you read...I know sometimes I feel I am writing like a diary...with little replying and all...thanks for following me...


dws said…
lets look at the girls in national politics. Sarah Palin is attractive and nothing else. No brains,no ideas just media hype. Nancy Pelosi is annoying. She speaks haltingly. She is a media nightmare. Michelle Bauchman is a radical christian who is now being managed by pros. She moved away from some of her idiotic statements today. She is scary. Hilary Clinton now looks like genius compared to the above
Crazy Horse said…
Well, you are an extreme chauvinist! By the way, just played golf with Rick Ward, who is working down here.

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