Hits While You Are Hot
For most singers there is just a small amount of time that you have to put out your music to make it in the business. I'm not sure it's not the best that you are going to put out...case in point the Beatles...I think their simple 2 part harmonies were the best, even though they set the world on fire with their more complicated stuff...or CSNY with their 2 year gigs that still are played everywhere, as they tried other things that failed to measure up...Fleetwood Mac with their 1 & 1/2 year monster hits that they have stuck to in their concerts...on and on...the point is that you must enjoy what you do and enjoy the moment...MJ had a longer career of hits than most, but his best were in a 3 year period of time...similar to the other successful artists or groups...
His best? Thriller, Bad, The Way You Do The Things You Do, ..., they were all catchy and altered a pop world...Were they great? In their own way...they certainly made you feel good and would stick in your head...
OMG, the Padres got beat by 2 TD's and continue to show MLB that they are the worst in the league...
So if Tiger doesn't play in a PGA event nobody cares...
If you own an animal and you need to get the plaque off it's teeth...expect the Vet to put the dog under and you pay a potential $700...it's our baby but it ain't cheap...
I miss the Trib and have gone down to pick up the Statesman Urinal and it fails miserably...
We're heading on over to the coast and plan on sampling the chowder at Mo's...well, that's the plan...
His best? Thriller, Bad, The Way You Do The Things You Do, ..., they were all catchy and altered a pop world...Were they great? In their own way...they certainly made you feel good and would stick in your head...
OMG, the Padres got beat by 2 TD's and continue to show MLB that they are the worst in the league...
So if Tiger doesn't play in a PGA event nobody cares...
If you own an animal and you need to get the plaque off it's teeth...expect the Vet to put the dog under and you pay a potential $700...it's our baby but it ain't cheap...
I miss the Trib and have gone down to pick up the Statesman Urinal and it fails miserably...
We're heading on over to the coast and plan on sampling the chowder at Mo's...well, that's the plan...
The NBA draft: I hate the NBA.
The NRA is quite an organization. They represent gun makers not gun owners. They have somehow convinced simpleminded people that the second amendment gun rights protect them from the government taking over our lives. And that owning a gun will keep those damn crimnals out of our houses. They actually convinced millions of people to go out and buy up all of the amunition after Obama was elected becuase "he was going to take it away". Now there is a shortage of amunition and they blame Obama. Of course the amo makers are charging more and making a great profit.Go figure.
Michael is dead. Liked some of his music and he could dance. The black community seems to think they lost one of their best. He spent most of his bizarre years trying to make his skin white. Or was that just a disease. Well he didn't exactly act like a brutha.
Farrah was beautiful and in the end one of the bravest people on earth.
Sounds like Iran has been successfully supressed. Where is the outrage by the rest of the Islamic countries? Oh yeah none of them are democracies.
So Mo's for Chowder? That used to be a big deal. Now you can buy it anywhere and maybe there is better. There is a resturant on the other side ot the bridge at Depot Bay that has the best Crab Cakes in the world.
MJ turned the pop world around with his funk and dance...then it got old and he couldn't handle it...