Father's Day

At some point it becomes old hat for some...not for me...Father's Day has always been important...Now I go back in time and remember my father...he said so much with his look and his eyes...he never said he loved me but I knew he did...he did by his actions and his doing whatever he could for me...if I did something wrong his reference to timing and all and I knew I was going the wrong way...he thought I was too cautious as he was not...he grew up without a father and it was interesting that he brought up 5 kids of his own...I never saw him show sorrow and I though of him as a rock...yes, that was my father...
As I have had the good fortune to raise my own son (don't get me wrong here, my wife is an equal in all of this) and have used many of the traits that my father used on me...yet I always have told my son that I love him...just in case he didn't know...or didn't remember from the time before...I am as proud a dad as I can be, just as sure as my dad was of me...I rarely get after my son, but he knows by the look if he is right or wrong...
Yes my son has grown to be a dentist...as he has had his sights on that profession since he was 10 or so...cool stuff...and I know when it is time for him to be a father he will use what I have taught and my father has taught...he will be awesome...


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