The Tonight Show

With the passing of Ed McMahon today it reminded me of the best of all the talk shows...Johnny Carson and the Tonight Show...his monologue and his crazy stunts were 2nd to none...Ed was the perfect straight man...great show...

So what others were out there and how did they compare...

Joey Bishop...kind of a cool show but his sarcasm was too much and didn't seem that funny

Jack Paar...a bit before my time, but had some grace to it...

Merv Griffin...certainly entertaining and seemed to have a lot of great guests...never forget Leslie Gore talking about pot and then saying she never toked...

Dick Cavett...what book have you read lately? He asked everyone that including Sly of the Family Stone...a little deep humor...

Mike Douglas...had a guest host each week with him that was real cool

Steve Allen...way before me but supposedly was a precursor to JC...

Arsenio Hall...was the black man' s hope to get the black people out there...I liked it

Ted Koppel...the other guys...

Craig Ferguson...too silly for me

Jon Stewart...a poor man's Dick Cavett

Conan...kind of a hipster that grows on you

Jimmy Kimmel...fugetaboutit

Jay Leno...not funny but kept his show a long time

David 2 right behind Johnny...

Who'd I leave out? Do you agree?


Marsha Shepard said…
You are a chauvanist. What about the women? Rosie, Oprah and Dina Shore!
Crazy Horse said…
What about Barbara Graham, Rikki Lake, Bonnie Hunt...and what does that make you because you left off Ellen Degeneres?

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