There are pleas for help, coming from the Ukraine President Zelenskyy...as he not only met with our Prez B, but addressed the Congress in a monumental speech...did you see it?...we did...extraordinary...it brought about something that has been missing for quite some time on that floor...UNITY!...all members stood up and applauded...throughout his talk...now THAT'S what I want from our leadership...can we keep the flow going?...
Speaking of Flo...she and her commercials need to go...
What a gorgeous day out at the links...some say 'a walk spoiled'...ha ha...the Horse kind of slapped the rock around for most of the day...it's cool...the 60 something weather, with plenty of sunshine...was good enuff for moi...ended the round on a promising note, with a birdie...so, not all bad...the last round before Xmas...
As I alluded to yesterday...we went to an outside concert at the Rady...down at the Bayfront...last eve...it does get chilly at nite, during our winter...the SD Orchestra played all (99%) of the music to the flick 'Love Actually'...a 2003 release that we somehow hadn't seen before...kinda cool...but the thing that got me, was that it was slammed!...all ages, too...date nite...
I dunno kids, but the idea of watching a movie...often can let all your cares and worries just fly away for a couple of hours...get lost in the moment...what is weird, you may be sitting close to strangers...and they don't even exist in your mind....yup, a good flick does that...The NBA has turned into a sham...a shame, too...with all the 'injured' players sitting...getting a nite off...for all of you spending $200-$300 bucks a game to watch...the subs play...the solution is simple...reduce the number of regular season games...82 is way too many...just ask the players...
This national weather is a bongo...going to freeze the traffic all over the country...BTW, paid $3.84 for a gallon of Petrol out at Sycuan...the lowest I can recall for at least a year...SoCal taxes the crap out of the Petrol...
Guess what football school landed the most 5 star and 4 star players?...duh, Alabama...hey, but look at who was close to the top...the mighty Oregon Ducks...now, if they can just figure it out when and when NOT to go for it on 4th down...I digress...
Have you SEEN some of the trump trading cards?...they are beauts...I gots to ask my forever friends what they really are like...glossy?...taxes on the back?...
You knew I couldn't go thru a full blog entry without mentioning Fonny...
Did you know, that 131 years ago...12/22/1891...Dr James Naismith invented basketball...set it up...he would not recognize the game now...I don't even...Springfield, Mass...
BREAKING...looks can be deceiving...a report out that only 85/213 Republican House Members attended the Zelenskyy speech...if true, let's hold off on the UNITY thing...
The cats are all out in force...searching for the grievances for the celebration that is held tomorrow...to the gym to get ready, too...yes, kids...we must prepare for...Festivus...