Pick YOU Up
Cheers, to all of you out there...man, I have read a whole lot of negative, pessimism, and just downright in the doldrum articles this am...guess you can read that there...it's my job today, to try to fire you up...pick YOU up!...make you feel like you should get up...ha ha...find some thing that lights a fire under you...
How about it is a Friday!...the best day of the work week...for those of ya'll still in chains...oops, sorry, negative...maybe a cocktail at lunch...and a gathering at the ol watering hole after work...see, it's already getting better...getting better all the time (The Beatles)...not that drinking is a solution, but a possible help to your cause of malaise...
The Open...you Norman Tour fans must be elated...as one of your very rich LIV guys is leading the T at the Old Course...DJ, er, Dustin Johnson...another, Taylor Hootch, is close...this would be just the best of all, if your very own Patrick Reed, moved on up, too...he has a lot of followers, just like you...perhaps, if one of them actually won, 'they' would invite your boss, Greg Norman, to the event next year...that would be just grand...
OK, I slipped, I know...sorry...
The Padres did win one game in Colorado....which is a plus...normally, they don't...the pitchers are getting quite a workout...throwing so often...dodging all the blasts going past them...they all made it, and are ready for the next series at home...with the DBacks...with having so many ordinary, non effective ones in the bullpen, it makes no diff who the manager calls on...see, that is positive...almost a socialist society...
I guess you see where I am going with this...
Machine Gun Kelly was hired to entertain our troops in Germany...not sure for certain, if the General knew exactly what this guy brought to the concert...
Is he or isn't he...a democrat?...Munchkin...dodging questions and reasoning with the best of 'em...
You know, I missed my calling...I shoulda tried to be an intern for a Congressional back when I was young...like 50 ought years ago...ought (?)...maybe I would be somebody today, if I did...
Less than 2 weeks away...training camp for the NFL...no tongue in cheek here...the football season is great viewing for blokes like me...and there are a boatload of 'em out there...
The Secret Service is indeed secret...you ain't getting any of their text messages...it's secret...so much so, that the ones that handled orange...erased theirs from the Jan 5 and Jan 6 dates...you know, just in case...'just a normal, cleaning your phone out ritual'...OK...I get it, it is secret...
I am not sure if this is the truth...a rumor...but the upcoming Home Run Derby in LA, the pitchers to be used are all from the bullpen of the San Diego Padres...just a rumor...
The Bachelorette...you know the premise...2 gals picking...you KNOW the result...they pick the same dude...it's like a multiple bride deal...what is the religion that used that anyhow?...
Didn't Prez Clinton testify to Congress?...yup...why not donny?...Pence?...why not?...if there is nothing to hide...why not?...
As we were seeking shut eye last nite, we happened on the food show 'Beat Bobby Flay'...this chef did so, with a concoction that I had, still, never heard of before...I don't think Bobby had either...and was a clear winner...ah, interesting?...well, you had to be there...
Why on earth is it so hard to make a pizza like the ones in Salem, Oregon?...Padingtons and Wallerys...the best anywhere...why?...the ones down here pale in comparison...well, they don't compare at all...
Pick YOU up?...start the series of Poldark (Prime)...you shall get hooked...we are now ending season 4...shhhhh, no hints...
trump must be hurting for scratch...as he is doing his revivals where he knows he is adored...Arizona this weekend...'pay me, and I will say what you want'...'but, you must pay'...MTRA, make trump rich again...
I think I may have wandered away from the positive thang...
Yes, there was a 'Pick u Up' song...by Kevin Ross, but didn't Foster the People do it, too?...
I am more of a vintage Home Run Derby guy...ah, hem, the one and only, Rocky Colavito!...