Friday's Query

Rather than tape the bloody town, who would do that?...I tried to be bop and balance all three thangs at the same know, watch a little of this, then a little of that, then, know, like what it says to do on the shampoo bottle...who does that?...I said 3...what was the 3rd one?...the beisbol game of the (Devil) Rays and the cheatin' Astros...of course, I missed the game winning HR by Houston...and, in reality, there was nothing that was gonna change my (and your) vote from these town halls...nevertheless...

I have but one query this that gets me riled up every time I think of it...why would anyone want to suppress the vote of his (or her) country? trump is doing...suggesting that it is 'rigged'...ah, then if so, why would anyone even bother?...the mail in vote is corrupt (ah, that's how HE votes)...the illegals are voting...there are people who are voting more than once...dead peops are...let's reduce the powers of the US Postal system...hey, let's limit the number of drop boxes...hey, how about this?...have a forever at all the polling places, to insure proper casting...stand down and stand by...and on and on...

There should be this...always...if YOU want to vote, you shall have the right to do so...without any barrier put up in front of YOU...if there is, then we have no longer a lieu, more like the dictatorships of other places...stand TALL, people...energize YOUR rights...and however you do it...


Thanks to all of you who wished the Horse a happy is greatly appreciated...ah, where did all the time go?...I can't be that age...who was it that sang, we shall overcome?...that's how I feel this morning...

Snooki chimed in...'Don't Be Cruel' by some dude called Elvis...must be in reference to the advancing years...

Anyone seen Mike Pence?...


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