Debauched Demagogue

Morning, kids. we sit with this beautiful weather pattern in oh so sunny south SoCal...yea boy. we have been basking in our pool...true dat...well, by 'our', I mean the condo's...that we pay for...but, do NOT have to clean and maintain...ha ha...I think we started the 'cocoon campaign' of noodle peoples in the 82.5 degree water...some even have some 'illegal' devices...that they, gulp, float about...we are pining for some pool police to pull the plug on the perpetrators...if it has a nipple, it shall be deflated...

Talk about your debacle...the hated Bums scored 11 runs in the FIRST inning of their onslaught over the Atlanta 'Braves' that Atl manager can let a bloke withstand all them runs, without pulling the grounds for suspension...anyhoo, LA got a much needed win...and over at Petco...the cheatin' Astros got a W,, they didn't get swept by TB...but, the strike zone by the HP ump was the Houston pitcher, the oh so slow Greinke, highly questionable strikes...BOOOO...even tho, JCC who wins...yea, well, this is the beisbol...

The Covid keeps right on a hitting...trump's son, was one...the 'Bama HC (Saban) and their GM now have it...the latest out of the Biden camp...Kamala's tour has been put on two of her people have it...NFL teams...shoot, it has been seeping through everywhere...for orange to say it is on the way out, well, he has part of that statement right...HE is on the way out...

One of the pandemic thangs, is for the PGA to run some form of benefit match of 4 pros...before the T's's cool...yesterday, it was in Vegas...Bubba and recall they were part of a parody of sangers, back when?...ah, I had a follow up 79...listen, kids...I am not that good...I have full faith that I will get back to abnormal real soon...back to the 80's, and I don't mean the music...

Tonight is the battle of the town halls...since donny would not adhere to the rules for the debate #2...pulled out...WAIT!...he didn't honor them in debate, NBC, caved...gave him a town hall...ABC has Biden...already...what haven't they already said?...and yes, many peops have voted...can't believe that anyone is still undecided...

Snooki's song of the day...'Birthday' by the Beatles...referring to this blokes birthday...Horse has another...and it is a big number...crooked ones...

Dr Fauci...has put out the warning for families...gosh, throughout the world, really...might not be a good idea to have family gatherings for THANKSGIVING...the turkeys reality, sad...still...

Hmmm, if you got a degree from trump university, is it accepted anywhere?...

The Futures?...abhorred today...thanks, orange...

From Newsweek...the Proud Boys supporter...warns of a 'civil war' if trump loses the election...'stand down and stand by'...

Biden has a double digit lead over trump in almost ALL polls...means nothing if YOU don't either get out and vote...or mail your ballot in...VOTE...BLUE!...


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