
The Demo race has just become a tad bit smaller...DWINDLING!...as two of the candy peops have called their campaign OFF!...billionaire Tom and Mayor Pete...the latter surprised me some, as why not wait until the results of Tuesday?...he must have knowledge that it wouldn't go well...so, who does that leave us?...Bernie, Joe, Eliz, Mike, Amy, and, ah, Tulsi...right?...things will shake out quite nicely tomorrow...

Where do the Mayor Pete's voters go?...it is a significant amount...so that could sway things, right?...I read that they would go to Eliz and Joe...which makes the Bernie path a rougher road...hey, we did vote...but, to put them in the drop off site, was another matter...most were closed yesterday...and those open, not until 12:30...could they make it any harder?...we ended up in Mission Valley...good lord...

Not dwindling...is the number of reported coronavirus victims and those who have contacted it...actually, the medical peops said that it has been here for some time...just didn't have a name yet...

Dwindling...the stocks...another terrible morning for the Futures...ah, JJ, you SURE we are good?...

Not dwindling...the mighty Padres won their sixth straight game in the Cactus League...Wil the thrill, even had a game winning dinger...a new man?...

Now some quickies...

Judge Judy is calling it quits...25 seasons?...finally...not a fan...

The Bachelorette has been named...Claire...oh my...what, 38?...how many of these shows has she been on?...to say that she is one of my least favs is an understatement...

The LaLa Lakers beat their JV's again...without the Brow, too...I will say that Zion was more in the mix...not just a flash...

We broke down yesterday, and went to In N Out...worth it...but, have you noticed the rise in their prices?...subtle...

Am watching the CNN series on the Royal Fam in Britain...really?...this still exists in a real country?...you WANT your taxes going to them?...just what do they do?...

We have had on and off rain type of stuff over the nite...am waiting for the word out at El Cajon...am guessing it wasn't too bad...for the golf...

Try this...on your TV apps...may be in the cable settings...that is if you still have cable...You Tube...and choose the music...they will show you lots of vintage videos...way cool...one, in particular was a duet with Smokey and Linda...

Now that I mentioned it...the price of cable is way up there...I just pay it...and close me eyes...am real close to finding an alternative...or, close my eyes and pay it...whatever...

Bought one of those rotisserie chickens from Costco...OK, hooked...how are their ribs?...

The worst week on Wall Street since '08...thanks Donny...like he had anything to do with it...

The hottest selling item in the USA?...masks...and the medical peops say don't buy 'em...

Yes, we are golfing...just thought you ought to know...

Just pondering this...if you are a candy person...and there are 14 states that vote tomorrow...how can you be at all of them?...Cali is huge, all by itself...er, the number of delegates...for sure...

See U on the web net...


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