
Mackles...coerced the waitress to move our table to an open spot on the patio...which gave us front row seats to the spectacle of the year in San Diego...COMIC-CON...the 4 or 5 day phenomena that permeates the Gaslamp and the Convention Center...permeates?...well, takes over, would be a better description...peops of all ages come to it, from all over the map...many dressed in their finest COMIC attire...we were situated a bit early, to get the view of the real wild costumes, I reckon...but, still...if you have never attended the event, you may want to give it a try...
Late as we were a returning, it gave me a tickle to watch the Open on the Golf Channel...which is on late at nite, as the bloody T is in Scotland...Ireland? that the same?, if ya'll want to watch it live, you start it in the middle of your sleep time...alas, the midnight call came from Sammi, and I was up to watch the golf...until me eyes finally closed...3 of the favs of peops, Tiger, Lefty, and Rory, have been atrocious...which leaves many out as viewers...ah, playing that game in the rain, I have done it for years, and I DON'T MISS IT...ha ha...actually, I don't even like peering at the blokes trying to withstand the stormy conditions...
The mighty Padres have been amiss...lost 2 of 3 in Florida...egads, kids, they had a horrific time in the field...take their sorry arses to Chi town to vie against da Cubbies....they may need their hard hats when on D...or, will they do the way of this team, play tough against the good clubs?...
Trump happily announced that his troops (they are HIS, right?)...shot down one of Iran's drones...ah ha, eye for an eye...they did one, so we did one...oops, Iran is declaring something else...that they have all their drones in tact...that Trump shot down one of his own...hmmm, so who does one believe?...
The horse world in Cali has been on the close many horses have died while in training, or racing...up in LA...the number for this season is 30!...some say that there is too much BUTE or LASIX givin out...I, that the Del Mar meet is in full swing, the eyes are keenly on the situation here...a bizarre scene unfolded on the training set, like at 6:45 am...two horses collided and one was going the wrong way...have NOT heard, but it had to have bolted...I have told you about this before, but I was talking to a horse owner and trainer out of Australia...and their rule is to give a drug to a race horse only ONCE!...that's not the practice here...
Still, I am figuring out a time to visit the off I have cash built up...and am raring to hit yet another Pick or tomorrow...
Get this...on our '04 Lexus...which has been GOLD, kids...we have a blinking tire pressure light that won't quit...blinking...took the rig into the Lexus Service...had to replace the faulty airbag...and had the blinker thang looked at...there are sensors in each of the wheels...and their estimate was over $1100 to fix 3 that were needing it...what?...I said no way, dude...found that tire stores did the same replacements...Discount Tire...and it is WARRANTED for 10 years...$80 a do the math...take the Lexus in Saturday...
For you that are 'Grease' junkies...did you know that Olivia Newt John had to have her black leather pants sewn on every day...she could not get them on any other way...true Horse fact...
Here is one of them polls thangs...the most admired American woman is....drum roll, please....
Michele Obama...the lady who I think should run for Prez...ah, it's the YouGov poll...whatever...
Have you seen the face app?...shows what you will look like in years to come...or, what you looked like when you were's funny...Carrie actually published a pix of her in her later, that's moxie...mine just shows more and more hair, leaving me head...
Am hungry, Georgie...