The ICE Age

Is this controversial?...I am NOT at a loss for words on the topic...the 'police force' of Trump' he sends his troops out throughout the country and rounds up 'illegal' aliens...regardless of their time in the USA...he blatantly has said they came here illegally and they need to be deported back to...wherever...never, have I been as disgusted with a human being as I am right now...and ashamed of him and his policy...the RAIDS are going on as I write...imagine the knock on the door...I wonder this, how accurate are the records and info on the people he will arrest?...I guess it is an arrest...where will ICE put them?...prison?...jails?...busses?...

What makes the act of ICE near bizarre, is that it is apparently politically motivated...Trump's need to show his power...feed his base with what he has said they need in a leader...

You tell me...

Other much less important stuff...

You have heard of our desire to move out of here...actually, to go back to our homeland...of we have both retired, the 'fixed income' is no longer a joke...but, a wait for the uptick in the market for downtown SD...we get many available homes that are on the market in Oregon...quite simply, salivate at the's just a matter of time...

The mighty Padres lost game 2 vs the is a major point of HOME!...went OT, and we ran out of pitching...and even worse, Lil Mgr Green, used up his bench too soon...we had NO hitters we went down with a pitcher batting, with the bases jammed...very poor managing...Atlanta realized it and intentionally walked the bases loaded to get to guy doing his job right, and one NOT!...

Del Mar kicks back into action on Wednesday...a beautiful track that the area supports superbly...not sure if I am going there right away, or hitting the off will be crazy around is also the opening of Comic Con...

I mentioned Costco yesterday...we went to the one out on Morena say it was slammed, is an understatement...the one negative?...the parking for that store, is....atrocious!... mac is only 4 years old...why would the hard drive give out so soon?...I think this one of Marsh's is at least 8 years a running, and no prob...makes no sense...

It took $70 bucks to fill up the Lexus yesterday...!!!...there should be a senior citizen rate for this not a great idea?...

Well, kids, I hope your day is fruitful...


Ken Ransom said…
I too am disgusted with this POS Coach Shepherd. When I sat down this morning to watch the Sunday morning talk shows and saw this tweet scroll across the screen I yelled at it.
I immediately grabbed my computer and penned (is this possible on a keyboard) letters to Rep. Bonamici and Senator's Merkley and Wyden for me that this MUST me dealt with NOW for our government to ever function again. Here is an excerpt from my letter:

..."These ladies were legally elected to represent their districts in our government. They are brave to do so, given the current climate in our country beginning with the ‘questionable’ election result in 2016. These Americans uniquely can see what is happening to minorities across our country and are exactly the type of Americans our forefathers saw was vital to keep our democracy a democracy. Unfortunately, they are being demonized by a man who swore to “…faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”. He is in contempt of his pledge by telling Congress members to leave their elected jobs and country.
We must not be silent. This is disgusting and this man needs to be dragged out of the White House in hand cuffs in my view!!
Ken Ransom

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