Be Boppin Beach Boys

The trip to Indio was a success...albeit, not the best of weather, that they are known for...but, we did get a day of shopping in Palm Springs included...the Morrises were great hosts and we are truly sorry for the evaporation of the Makers Mark Whisky...must have been the dry air...listen, Larry, you need to seal the bottle top a bit tighter...

The reason for the season, was the concert of the Mike Love Beach the casino close to their pad...Fantasy'd them Injuns come up with that name, anyway?...I digress...the Boys were spot on and the surprise was that they did have John Stamos with 'em again... a true talent...AND, more and more lead vocals are going to Mike's son, ie, one of the best BB tunes of all time, 'God Only Knows'...originally cut by Carl Wilson...

Top the nite off, was the fact that Larry and the Horse WON cash, like mullah, bills, er, money...each of I was just short of $400 bucks...which paid for the mini them kids, are in the process of being hosts after hosts of the rain soaked Oregonians...traveling to the desert to get out of the wet stuff...egads, however, there is to be mega rain there, today...knowing that, we bolted mighty early...and also avoided the driving thru the storm, that will hit here, planning...

Yes, Snooki, while I vacay, I do NOT post diddly squat on me blog...sorry...well, not really....this way, ya'll will want me more...ah ha...ha ha...

Can't really comment on I have payed NO attention to the bloke for a couple of days...I must say, my blood pressure stays way down cuz of this...maybe that's what millions of people do, they just turn off the pixels and veg out...knowing he has 2 more years, and just DONT want to know what he is trying to do...

I did tell ya that I was gonna give me prediction for the Sooooper Bowl...marveled at the stability of the line, at 2 1/2 favoring the Pats...well, still stinging from THE non call, that probably put the Rams in the finals, I MUST go with the perennial power house out of the east...New England...who I figure will take the running game off the book, and make Goff throw the ball...give the 2 1/2 and take the Pats...38-17...

You watching any of the golf in the Soprano's T...Waste Management?...the silly 16th, with the entire hole surrounded by the crazies...I like that Rickie and Justin are at the stuff...but...keep aware of this, that Bubba is in the mix...and has the flair for the dramatic...hey, this could be the year of Fowler...just saying...

Virginia Guv, Ralph Northam...kind of got himself in a jam...with a pix of him back in school...listen, I know this is not good, but comparing that to what Trump has said and done about women...I dunno...these skeletons are bit hard to decipher...or to condemn on what level...people screw up...censure the bloke...I'm securely on the fence on this...teetering in...

Venezuela...the opposition leader is staging big rallies...what is gonna happen?...but, we are staying out of it...just like Russia told Trump to do...hmmm...

Sergio admitted to damaging some greens over in Saudi Arabia?...and was DQ'd from the T there...WTH? he losing it?...that's just plain weird...maybe he's ticked that he doesn't have tix to the Mariah Concert there...yea, now that makes sense for his decorum...

When it cometh to celebs and their connections, I am absolutely clueless...and this one, just doesn't make sense to me, too...Pete Davidson (SNL bloke and recent dumpee of Ariana Grande) and Kate Beckinsale...what?...I feel like my eyes are cross eyed...

Finally, and I do mean, finally...the Padres are in meetings with the two hottest commodities on the free agent market in MLB...Manny Machado and Bryce Harper...if we sign one or both of these dudes, we are IMMEDIATELY in the hunt and are SOLD OUT!...


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