Executive Order?

Probably the single most feared item I had for the new President, was that what he could do without Congress's permission...DJ Trump, I am talking about...and the name of the act, is EXECUTIVE ORDER!...something that he feels compelled to sign into law, that nobody can stop...the checks and balances of our Republic, can't touch his decision...this bring any thoughts into your brain, too?...many times, in the past...a Declaration of War, puts the question mark on it...naw, it still has to pass thru the Reps and Senators...but, how about a strike on another nation, not declaring outright war?...yes...that's out there...

Trump has brought up another in the EO field this morning...Birth Rights...in essence, if a baby is born on US soil, it has rights of the US citizenship...in his non-stop battle to limit the country to the masses in place...securing the border, if you will, he has found another point that he wants to change...here is the conundrum, does he have the right to do so?...does it fall under the Executive Order 'privilege?'...

This is at a time, with but 7 days until the midterms...he must feel the need to solidify the base of his voters...right?...highlight an issue that the Conservatives can or may, rally behind...'close the wall'...er, 'build the wall'...kind of a gamble, I think...with the bulk of the major headlines having to do with the past week's horrific killings and pipe bombs...he is seeking a diversion?...

The polls...man, how many times have they been wrong, or misleading?...are inferring that there will be a strong turnout of voters...and, YES, the Democrats will be casting their ballots...the continued 17 point jump has to be eating away at the Republicans...like Trump or not, they want to stay in power...if you can believe social media, the numbers will be there at the poll booth, or mailers, whatever...there you go...

There are 27 bellwether races in the House and Senate...interesting term 'bellwether'...I have not seen that, or paid attention to it, until now...'someone who assumes leadership'...loosely applying to these elections, so it appears to me...I would think that 'undecided' would be a better usage of the language...

Have you noticed (how can you not?) the amounts of political ads coming about on the pixels?...one of them got me snickering...which says it was paid for by DJ Trump...talks about voting Republican, so YOU can keep the Stock Market at it's high point...what?...the past 2 weeks have been disastrous...blame who?...ha ha...

Today, I bring out my ballot...and shade in what I think the winners should be for Cali...and our area down here...'Let's Go!!!'...


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