With the breaking news of the DOJ indicting 12 Russians...for hacking the DNC webnet connections...emails, and whatever...what part of this doesn't smell like 44 years ago?...Watergate...this is just the tipping point, kids...with this info, that the indicted received...what did they do with it?...why?...who met with whom, to give the info to?'s all there for the finding...sure, there will be roadblocks set up...
Incredible tweet from POTUS today...accusing former Prez Obama for the lack of protection from the Russian spies...listen, Donny, they are coming after YOU!...just a matter of he is preparing for a friendly summit with Russian leader, Putin....well, he is playing golf in to collect his thoughts...hey, and how did you weather the hundreds of thousands of Brits...DEMONSTRATING against you...YOU!...our allies? embarrassment for the USA...
Cringeworthy...that is the word used by the English DJT tried to walk with the, what is the 'proper' way to do this?...with the lack of people stepping up to be able to tell Donny ANYTHING, I am sure he just was winging it...
As I briefly mentioned yesterday, you MUST see the vid of the Oct 19 debate...Clinton vs Trump...where Hillary lays out just what was 'indicted'...priceless, is to see Donny squirm...this is in the campaign of '16...
Speaking of sharks...wait, I was, wasn't I?...just off the Eastern Floridian coast...TWO different shark's summer, the water is warm, and they are OUT there...hungry, apparently...just north of Jacksonville Beach, and east of Alligator Creek...makes you want to get out and swim in that area, huh...
Bragging rights...News Source in Santa Barbara...did one of them 'Most Fav' you see the winner of the Favorite Dentist in SB....Dr Cris Shepard...BTW, his buddy, Dr Drew, won the MVP of the orthodontists...
Back over the Wimbledon...the tennis T...let's be very clear...I am the one...not the only one...who has ZERO interest in the tennis world, or the prima donnas that play it...bully for whomever that wins...bully bully...make that Wooly Bully (Sam the Sham)...
If you can't say anything good about the Padres then, _______________________________...
I am getting real tired of the Lefty, Phil Mickelson, who really is a righty...his propaganda is getting old...his mockery of the game, that has made him a gazillionare...much like Kylie...he can't beat the kids...his mouth can...but not his game...wants a 'winner take all' match with Tiger...made for the pixel version...I guess he is filling in the dead time prior to him going on the senior tour...
Staying British...OK you blokes and babes...there is a very hot rumor that there is going to be a 'Downton Abbey' movie!...what? of my favorite shows, THIS, is a good thang.....
Yes, this reference to Donny...gosh, brings me to the 'Big Lebowski'...some mighty good lines in it, that refers to Donny...ah ha...
And, you got is National Mac and Cheese Day...I dunno, I (we) have made lots of gourmet styles...not sure if the one right out of the box, isn't just as good...
Incredible tweet from POTUS today...accusing former Prez Obama for the lack of protection from the Russian spies...listen, Donny, they are coming after YOU!...just a matter of he is preparing for a friendly summit with Russian leader, Putin....well, he is playing golf in to collect his thoughts...hey, and how did you weather the hundreds of thousands of Brits...DEMONSTRATING against you...YOU!...our allies? embarrassment for the USA...
Cringeworthy...that is the word used by the English DJT tried to walk with the, what is the 'proper' way to do this?...with the lack of people stepping up to be able to tell Donny ANYTHING, I am sure he just was winging it...
As I briefly mentioned yesterday, you MUST see the vid of the Oct 19 debate...Clinton vs Trump...where Hillary lays out just what was 'indicted'...priceless, is to see Donny squirm...this is in the campaign of '16...
Speaking of sharks...wait, I was, wasn't I?...just off the Eastern Floridian coast...TWO different shark's summer, the water is warm, and they are OUT there...hungry, apparently...just north of Jacksonville Beach, and east of Alligator Creek...makes you want to get out and swim in that area, huh...

Back over the Wimbledon...the tennis T...let's be very clear...I am the one...not the only one...who has ZERO interest in the tennis world, or the prima donnas that play it...bully for whomever that wins...bully bully...make that Wooly Bully (Sam the Sham)...
If you can't say anything good about the Padres then, _______________________________...
I am getting real tired of the Lefty, Phil Mickelson, who really is a righty...his propaganda is getting old...his mockery of the game, that has made him a gazillionare...much like Kylie...he can't beat the kids...his mouth can...but not his game...wants a 'winner take all' match with Tiger...made for the pixel version...I guess he is filling in the dead time prior to him going on the senior tour...
Staying British...OK you blokes and babes...there is a very hot rumor that there is going to be a 'Downton Abbey' movie!...what? of my favorite shows, THIS, is a good thang.....
Yes, this reference to Donny...gosh, brings me to the 'Big Lebowski'...some mighty good lines in it, that refers to Donny...ah ha...
And, you got is National Mac and Cheese Day...I dunno, I (we) have made lots of gourmet styles...not sure if the one right out of the box, isn't just as good...