Bills Bills Bills
Hey, kids...a late note...went golfing early and am just now at the keyboard...ah ha, the real reason was that I needed to pay them damn bills...I say TG for the web net...makes the process so much easier, for sure...
I haven't hacked much this past month...esp, with this damn food thang...and yes, I am still tired and it showed...the 18 couldn't get over fast enough...dang, I should have taken the power cart, instead of walking...dumb dumb dumb...
How organized are you when it comes to the bills, anyway?...I use a hard copy to check out what i you do the same? it you or your mate who does 'em?...I have to show M what I do, you know just in case...
I get that the '18 version of the Padres will be a work in process...that the minor league carries the bulk of the 'futures' talent...and yea, the team is languished in the bottom of the west, already....knowing that, I do not like that the Mgr, Green, airs his dirty laundry to the newspaper...calls out the pitchers for not pitching up to their ability...listen Mgr Green, neither are you!...he has called out two of the players thus far...for the same thing...NO CLASS!...
Mgr Green...tell the don't need to tell the Tribune...what you tell the players...
The Cavs beat the Pacers and moved the NBA up, are the Toronto dudes...I pick Cleveland...there you to Vegas and bet a quid...
Meghan Markle is putting her fiancé on a pre-wedding know, for the big show for the, I needed to do that prior to 43 years or so ago....
Never head of Michelle Wolf, before the headliner she had at the WH Correspondent's DinDin...she is a comedian?...I heard of Stormy...she is not...she is a star...that's what you call porn actors....I guess...hmmm, does that mean if you are in the movies, all of you are stars?
Speaking of stars...DWTS kicks off a 4 week affair tonight...I just can't wait to scream at the screen when your gurl, and former skater person, Tonya, hits the dance floor...and that is exactly, what I am wishing for...her to hit the floor...I can be mean... American Idol!'s the rocker dude and everyone else...
I had no idea that Destiny Child did a song 'Bills Bills Bills'...
I will end with this...John Kelly...the White House Chief of Staff...has this blurb leaked the public...and it is exactly what many want to hear...he has called POTUS 'an idiot'...according to WH staffers...well now, this must be fake news, right?...
I haven't hacked much this past month...esp, with this damn food thang...and yes, I am still tired and it showed...the 18 couldn't get over fast enough...dang, I should have taken the power cart, instead of walking...dumb dumb dumb...
How organized are you when it comes to the bills, anyway?...I use a hard copy to check out what i you do the same? it you or your mate who does 'em?...I have to show M what I do, you know just in case...
I get that the '18 version of the Padres will be a work in process...that the minor league carries the bulk of the 'futures' talent...and yea, the team is languished in the bottom of the west, already....knowing that, I do not like that the Mgr, Green, airs his dirty laundry to the newspaper...calls out the pitchers for not pitching up to their ability...listen Mgr Green, neither are you!...he has called out two of the players thus far...for the same thing...NO CLASS!...
Mgr Green...tell the don't need to tell the Tribune...what you tell the players...
The Cavs beat the Pacers and moved the NBA up, are the Toronto dudes...I pick Cleveland...there you to Vegas and bet a quid...
Meghan Markle is putting her fiancé on a pre-wedding know, for the big show for the, I needed to do that prior to 43 years or so ago....
Never head of Michelle Wolf, before the headliner she had at the WH Correspondent's DinDin...she is a comedian?...I heard of Stormy...she is not...she is a star...that's what you call porn actors....I guess...hmmm, does that mean if you are in the movies, all of you are stars?
Speaking of stars...DWTS kicks off a 4 week affair tonight...I just can't wait to scream at the screen when your gurl, and former skater person, Tonya, hits the dance floor...and that is exactly, what I am wishing for...her to hit the floor...I can be mean...

I had no idea that Destiny Child did a song 'Bills Bills Bills'...
I will end with this...John Kelly...the White House Chief of Staff...has this blurb leaked the public...and it is exactly what many want to hear...he has called POTUS 'an idiot'...according to WH staffers...well now, this must be fake news, right?...