Demos Division?

The Town Hall last eve...hosted by Anderson, Meghan Kelly, that's the way a true moderator should do it...a pro...not someone trying to make a name for herself...maybe, just maybe, she had orders from FOX's, brass...I dunno...get over yourself...
The results?...just like the Iowa Caucus...a toss up...they both had good points...hmmm...maybe, for some of you...I better say that this was the Demos final two...Bernie and passionate Repubs...turn away now...Horse thinks that either one of these candy peops are better than any one of the others from the other side...go ahead and make my day...tell me why I'm wrong...
Hillary...she has the gift of gab...has been doing this all her adult life, I suppose...pretty much wants to continue the Obama system of doing things...which I dig...her topic of fighting the Koch Bros...who made their $ from the archaic coal biz...was intriguing and spot on...
Bernie...punishing the very rich in our society...making them pay what they should...he continues to hammer home this...disrupting the Super Pacs...and the lobbyists...all what I want...the point that only 38% of all of the US Citizens actually downright scary and shameful....
To be fair and balanced...another candy man dropped from the race for the elephants...Rick Santorum...who then endorsed Marco Rubio...hmmm...really?...none of the also rans will endorse the way no how...which makes him a bit interesting...right?...
Now...we just sit back and see how accurate these polls are for New Hampshire...both Bernie and Trump with huge leads...if this works out that way...we have a donnybrook on our hands...I'm just not Tuesday will be the tell tale...
Golf...had a sorta OK game the middle of the the point I left...tell you one thing...the GPS on the watch I have is sort of accurate...all the boyz have these range's on my to do list...they all have Bushnells...I'm leaning towards a newbie...Knox...need more info...which I will get ...since the golf carts don't have the GPS anymore, I need better info...just in case, I hit it what it says...ha ha...
Downtown Abbey...did NOT see that coming!...way graphic, don't you think? entire 6th and final season BluRay disc set came...I got it all not dependent on PBS anymore...
We have some house duties to get to cleaning the bloody windows...well, they are not really bloody...but are to get some goodies for our some way cool bourbon...he might be an addict...shhh...don't tell anyone...
Geez, the dog...ate something that didn't settle well...Sammi has a very tender tummy...and moi...had to take her out all night...Marsh took over at 4 am....whew...did not sleep until can imagine how tired Horse is....poor poor pitiful me...
Time to get er done...