Black Friday

Did you get your fill of football yesterday? I didn't get to see the Pack/Lion I thought that Detroit would get the upset...but...the Lions imploded, their Oregonian tackle got thrown out for a stupid act, the replacement RB got injured, and the team had way too many beat the the way, Detroit is on a free fall... worse than the Bolts...the Cowboys found enough to win at the the Har-bowl....the elder beat the youngin'....kind of boooorrring....and talk about bad luck, Texas A & M, lost another game in the final stanza...after scoring the go ahead TD with just a couple of minutes left...albeit to a horrible call that favored the
How was your turkey? We went to Ruth's Chris....packed in like sardines...the meal was marginal (rolled turkey)...the service was great...the view awesome...there were no dishes to wash...there was no mess to clean up...all in all, a push...well, favors go to the restaurant...should have had the rib eye...missed our boy and his gurl...
Does Costco celebrate BF? We are thinking about heading over there...maybe a huge mistake...maybe participate, not celebrate...and get this...our gift to each other, is that we are going to have the condo painted...right now it is stark, clean will be a major change...and we already have started to question each other's sanity...connecting on the right colors may be a test on our marriage skills...
Christmas decorations today, and,'s that time of year...
BREAKING NEWS...Lamar Odom, a LA Laker forward...who recently married Khloe...and is still hitched...not the other reportedly signing to a hoop contract with the Besiktas Team in Turkey, in this non-season of the NBA...the rumor is that there is going to be a new E Show...the Kardashians Feast In Turkey...