NBA Beat Down

The transition of power has begun in the longer is there fear of going to LA and taking on the mighty Lakers...mighty?, not hardly...soft and in a funk ...the swagger's got a dagger in it...San Antone and the Mavs have the upper hand in the west....and the two best anywhere?  The Heat and the Celts...I heard, well, the nucleus of Miami has only been together 30 games...what?  That's enuff, kids...
On Xmas day, LeBron and co. went into LA and DESTROYED the Lakers...let there be NO DOUBT who is the king of the pro circuit...and the pitiful Blazers...what a mess, and they are soooo poorly coached...sorry PDX fans, it's the truth...I only speaketh it...

The playoffs are getting pretty much set in the NFL...and the team that worked it's way out...yup, the Bolts...another pathetic effort at the lowly Bengals...let's be honest...they are unprepared...and yup, I've been saying it ever since I've got here...blown plays and flat out coached, dad told me, if I can't say anything positive, don't say anything at't do it.....FIRE NORV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must be in a foul mood...dang, I woke up happy....60's and golf on the's just not that bad...


dws said…
I snuck another win in last nite on my picks. I'm the only one with one loss. About 8 have two losses and 6 with three losses. Alot of games this week and things will change. Everybody is still in it.
Crazy Horse said…
Are you picking these after the games are over? I'm just is YOUR pool...
dws said…
No and I have given copies of my picks to several people that are playing. Like you they question my crediblity which is completely unfounded. Ane i picked Air force tonite. That game featured two offenses lost in the 80's. God i used to hate that type of game.

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