He Gambled

The infamous, and long awaited Jack Smith Report...has been released...the synopsis?...that trump would have been convicted (AGAIN)
...in the eyes of the writer...so, the GAMBLE that trump made...run and win the election, and he would be exonerated...paid off...he did it...now, the query is 'what charges?'...he continues on like...as if...nothing happened...splendid...so goes the Nation...what a time we are in...

The next news out of Inauguration Land...is that the Idol Winner, Carrie Underwood, is to sing at it...'America the Beautiful'...no doubt she will kill it, as per usual...her words 'let's bring the country back together'...thing is, she has caved to the guy, who says he is one thing, and is in actually, the opposite...in her acceptance, she is getting slammed big time by the public...well, the half of the Nation that sees where she actually stands...

The 'vetting' gets started today in Congress...just takes a few 'middle of the road Repubs' to send these characters packing...and orange to find another name to bring up...I know, that MTG and Boebert are awaiting the nods...if you have the stomach to watch it...the proceedings, I am sure they are on somewhere...we will not...

I saw this cool card, that a bartender may pass out to a very deserving person...'You have been cut off'...ah, right, if the dude, or lassie, has had too much, they wouldn't be able to read it...nice effort, but back to the drawing board...

America's former team, the Dallas Cowboys, have fired their HC...and now are a looking...if you believe the pundits, with the owner Jerry Jones, at the helm, the job is fruitless...something in my Mighty Carnac Crystal Ball, has a name of Neon Deon in it...

You want a story that simply is totally unbelievable...Mr Wonderful (O'Leary from the Shark Tank) says he played golf with trump...and orange shot a 68...perhaps, for 12 holes...but, with his swing, not 18...

Commentary...hey, let's modernize!...going going gone...are the stadiums of the past...where the home team had huge advantages....like the Pit, or whatever they were termed...it was a blast to play or coach in them....well, if it was yours...I know I know, it is all money driven now...expand...build much bigger...but, kids, it is sport...we need to get back to sport, not money...if it's not too late...

Off to the land of the desert...Palm Springs...happy birthday to my Boss...me lady...the best is yet to come...


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