Pardon Me, Boy
Pardon me boy, is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?...(yes, yes) Track 29...
The Boss and I are heading on to Montecito to see the kids...gonna go by the rails...the Amtrak...the we get to family put up the tree...decorate it...and just be looking forward to it...yup, Cosmo gets the week off...
One might have thought with the blog title for today, I was going to go another way...nope, you can read all about it...throughout most of the web sites I saw this morning...all I will say (again) is that I would have done it, too...
Hey, a breakthrough...perhaps...Musk and Hootenanny are suggesting that they will solidify the time changes we know, fall back and spring just one of them...and call it good...this I approve of...not that they are asking...
Bo Nix is keeping on, keeping on...just as he was for the Ducks last season...leading the resurgent Broncos to wins...NFL, for you unawares...tickles me, as he was the 6th QB taken in the last season's draft...and HE IS DOING THE BEST OF ALL!...
Does this bother you a bit...when the waiter, waitress, says 'no worries'...when you thank them for something...what about a 'thank you?'...or when the weather girl on the teevee, says 'anyways' that even a word?...perhaps, I am too critical...
Anyhoo...ha ha, I know that bugs some of well as the 3 bloody see, the Horse thinks in fragments...not in sentences...I blame that on my English professors...'is that how you write on the rez?'...
I am looking for a book to read...bored with what I have...and need some thoughts roaming about this head of mine...any suggestions?...
I'm still bothered about the point spread on the UO/Penn St game of 3 1/2...what do the Vegas Boys know?...seems to me, it should be 10...if I was a betting dude, which I am not on football...I'd take the Ducks big a quid...or two...
Let him shoot the rock...King LeBron (sorry donny, but LeBron is the king) has missed his last 20 3 point shots in a row...0 for the last 4 games...'let him shoot'...
I find it amazing how well LiLo has resurrected herself...from the depths of her apparent joy in her being...kudos, young lady...child stars have difficult lives...
Little known fact...for all the years, the Horse was playing basketball...coaching how many?...seemingly forever...I could never ever spin a basketball on my finger...nope...thought you'd like to know...
The song...Chattanooga Choo Choo, was made famous by the Glenn Miller Band...and then sung by the infamous Andrew 1941...find it, listen to it, it is fab...rad...groovy...hip...swingin'...
Get aboard (Chattanooga, Chattanooga) All aboard (Chattanooga, Chattanooga) (Chattanooga Choo Choo) Won't you Choo Choo me home?...Chattanooga Choo Choo!