Faith, Hope, and Charity

Another of the Horse's sarcastic views on the upcoming regime?...'Faith, Hope, and Charity'...well, one could apply this to that, for certain...not so sure about the Faith part, when you talk about orange...hmmm, he does have his very own Bible...well, to sell...but NO...this is all about the wave of the future in another way...a more positive one...these are the TRENDING names that this generation is using when they name their newborns...thinking back, I can recall a few....Faith Hill...Hope Lange...not so sure if they are the real ones, or the names given to help become famous...

The drones...eerily inhabiting the east coast skies...more and more politicians are saying this...'who, what, and why?' the Philly Mayor said 'something is going on'...well, KNOW what will happen next...some bloke will start shooting at ' know, every once in a while, we will see one roaming about the many skyscrapers here in the Hood...why?...I dunno...

The NFL is closing in on the end of the regular season...who's in and who's out for da playoffs?...ah, but me FF rising up to the top of the league...Coach Pyle has been adjusting his (our) lineup masterfully...the Bills, just may be the best of all...finishing strong...whupped the Detroit lovin Lions...who does have a very goof ball's football, and most of 'em are...just a mention here...but the way some of the HC are getting treated...they should be wearing helmets, subordinates, players, and be sure, if an assistant coach talked to me like the Philly guy did...he would get the boot, ASAP!...

I lurve golf...hardest game in the world...but, to watch the past weekends tourney, was a slow death...too dramatic, Horse...but, it was impossible to watch...slow, boring, and a waste of telly time...HIT THE BALL!...

You have 9 days til Christmas...are you done with the presents thang? at the Home, we are having a gala event on Wednesday (Boss in charge of decor)...and for youse who don't celebrate Xmas, you have 7 days til Festivus...

Off to the links...


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