Blood, Sweat, and Tears
No, it's not a follow up to yesterday's blog...these are NOT the 3 newest names that the parents are giving their's about a documentary we saw last eve...about the rock group, 'Blood, Sweat, and Tears' was simply a tale of being awestruck...a manipulation of this 9 man band, by the then, US State Department...the Prez at the time?...oh my, Richard Nixon...a bloke who hated rock and roll...
This is set in the late 60's...right, we were in a massive turmoil here in the states...the uproar of the Vietnam War...imagine the song by them 'And When I Die', that had to be played by the soldiers as they fought for...well, whatever the reasoning was...or, when on the plane about to land in Vietnam...
Here's the gig...the state department, had the group go BEHIND the iron a good will gesture...back then, the Kruschev led Russians were the enemy of the US...we (?) were trying to bridge the gap...BSW, went into Yugoslavia, Romania, and do their thang...with extreme conditions...some performances were well received, not so much in must see the vid, for yourself...
Here's the tragedy...when they came back to the states...they were shunned, stoned, and unappreciated by the kids...the fans...why?...the inference was they were working for the man...working for the regime that was fostering the killing in Vietnam...AND, they never recovered....not sure if you heard of Abbe Hoffman...but he labeled the group Blood, Sweat, and Bullshit...
To be fair, the band was simply awesome...the lead singer, David Clayton Thomas (a Canadian), was a powerful one....the hits were legendary, 'You Made Me So Very Happy', 'Spinning Wheel', Hi-De-Ho'...and the aforementioned 'And When I Die'...I believe this vid is on's an Xmas must see...
'Blood Rare'...what?...'make my steak, blood rare'...or, as John Wayne said in one cowboy flick 'burn it'...well, this has nothing to do with the piece...a wonderful article in the SJ, written by Capi Lynn...about a groundbreaking instrumental rock group of my old high school...back in 1960...or thereabouts...alas, before moi...'The Mad Plaids'...all were alumni of North Salem High...and their ONE HIT, still is paying off...'Blood Rare'...very interesting read...lurve nostalgia...
Do NOT love the news out of Wisconsin...where yet another school tired and upset about this...where and when are we ever safe?...this time the killer was a 15 year old girl...hand gun...gun...gun...gun...furthermore, a 2nd grader was the one that called in to 911...bizarre world we live in...
Not sure why...but I am having trouble getting into the Xmas spirit this year...I love all things about it...the lights, the aura, the music...but, it's not grabbing me YET...something has to jump up and do so...something...
I just read that the NY Judge is NOT throwing out the hush money conviction of trump...well, now, this is going to be a very sticky wicket, isn't it?...put a desk in his jail cell?...
Alrighty then...the CFP are set to start FRIDAY...finally...all home teams are favored by at least a TD...this is the 1st season of having 12 teams in it...yup, curious about Tennessee at Ohio St...who we play the winner...Dude says the Buckeyes big...perhaps, but I think it's a big test for the SEC and Big 18...who indeed is more powerful...
The bowl crap...Army was to play Marshall...egads, the Marshall coach bolted, and so did 25 of the players...they got no, another school was named to take their place...many players are opting out of their bowl games...either to 'save' themselves for the NFL, or are in the bloody transfer portal...what a mess...
Sunny out this, that's a good thing...'you get in the mood!'...