Playoff Vibes

Ah, the beauty of sport...where we can, as fans, enjoy intense rivalry games...none better than the Friars and Bums...both of these squads want to win...especially against one another...bad blood? beisbol, there is that chance of a 100 mph fast ball, coming at you...which usually triggers the avalanche of emotion to erupt...let this be known, ON THE FIELD...not in the stands...

Used to be...there you go Horse, talking ancient times...people showed up at these games, dressed in suits and derby type hats...well, that was a ton of years ago...then, it progressed to casual wear...and just a few of the garb that said YOUR team's name...but, they did have the home team's caps...NOW, fans come in full regalia...many, very similar to that their team wears...ON THE FIELD!...

Alas, game 3 is now in our town...our city...San Diego...probably the most crucial game to date this son and I have tix for Wednesday's 4th...wouldn't it be nice...if we could get tonight's match know, like win it! classy, San Diego...

The impending doom of the storm that is heading towards Florida...the Cat 5 one...the path is straight head on to Tampa...where their mayor warned her constituents 'if you stay you will die!'...enough for me, I would head on out...just not sure where to go...inland?...I guess...north?, I am sure glad we sold our property this past year...

Hey, how about another hot ticket...this Saturdays Ohio St invades it has turned out, the numbers 2 and 3 teams in the land...the Buckeyes are 3 1/2 point favs...always a problem for moi, for the home team to be the dog...ah, underdog...drives up more intensity...I'm not sure that the Ducks have played their finest ball, yet...which just may mean, a superior effort...Snooki has tix and will be there screaming his knads off...shout out his tonsils....does he still have them?...

I had this dream that I ran into one of my former refs...and he told me that he didn't like me...I got news for you, buddy, I don't like you either...

My brain freeze...I did not write yesterday, and thus...did not talk about the 10-2 whomp of the Bums on Sunday...the LA fans got gnarly and it was uncomfortable...for the Friar, standing in the field of play...that was what was triggering my first 3 paragraphs for today's blog...

One more thing about the Tom Jones Concert, at SDSU...the crowd was almost all geezers like us...and walking thru the campus, there were soccer games going at parties...dressed, well, I already covered that...a lot of life, outside of the

Speaking of is nice to see the KC Royals beat the Damn Yankees...BTW, whoever changed the name of the Cleveland Indians to the Cleveland Guardians...well, this guy or gal, should be tarred and them after trump, the Cleveland Convicts...

Interesting line of thinking...the Russian economy is staggering...which could lead to what went on when they invaded Afghanistan...ran out of money, and thus couldn't get enough ammo to continue on...perhaps, this will save Ukraine, too...

Let's look at this...trump won't do another debate...and now, he won't go on 60 Minutes...listen, Dude, you are not going to win over the 'undecideds' that way...thing is, there are no undecideds, maybe him bypassing them, is justified in his thinking...but, he doesn't, he is afraid...Bozo is afraid of talking...blabber your way thru your revivals, makes no diff what you say to them...they are already in your corner...

Register to Vote, people...

Has anyone seen Mark Meadows?...

Paul Finebaum, noted 'analyst' of the SEC....said the Vandy upset of Alabama "this will go down as the worst loss in NCAA history"....sorry, dude, but it may be the best win in NCAA see, write the positive, not the negative...



Anonymous said…
Did you see that Trump will be in Coachella on Saturday for a rally? Not the Pollo grounds that they have the music festivals, at a private pollo grounds outside of the city. There are a lot of Trumpsters in our neck of the woods. Will be interesting to see how many show up…and actually stay to the end. 🤣
Debi Morris said…
Opps. Looks like I didn’t include my name in the previous comment.

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