Friars vs the Bums

This is what the playoffs in MLB should look like...a 5 game series, pitting the upstart Friars of San Diego versus the fat cats of LaLa Land, them's one of those times, that if the Padres can win one of the games in Hollywood...then we could, make that might, sweep the Bloody Blue here in the best city in the at the home, we are having a raucous room of devoted Friar Fans...ready to sweat out the games...BYOB...ha ha...why not a kegger you say?...the good old days of yesteryear...back at solo cups...gettin pie eyed and out of control...wait, that could never have been the Horse...too much class for that...

Speaking of college...that is exactly where we saw the immortal Tom Jones, perform at...SDSU...up on the an arena that was, well, built, like on a went STRAIGHT down to your seats...we were lucky to be in the 9th row...well, I guess you could say we had to walk UP, after the show...all them steps...listen, kids...his voice was strong and still can belt it out...for an 84 yrs young bloke...didn't move like he used to...but, who does?...I guar-an-tee you I didn't yesterday, out at Singing Hills...forced to walk the course...dee-hy-dration...was cramping and ...well, it was NOT a good scene...back to the college...not sure what the dress code is...but, we saw most gal students with Taylor Swift shorts on...a far cry from when I went to school...dresses on 'til 5, then jeans acceptable after EOC...which we called 'YUCK'...the guys? restrictions...the male dominated society of the 60's...I digress...the leadership, must have all been republicans...and men...

On the way...we dined in North Park...what a treat...inasmuch, as we will shimmy back over there again...terrific area...many restaurants and vibe...OC, we used Uber/Lyft...and it is quite convenient...door to door service...the spot, One Door, we were blessed with great food and drink...a terrific waitress...and yes, I kept checking my phone for Duck scores...rude you say?...perhaps, but listen...I needs to UO handily beat J Smith's Spartans...and that naysayer McIlroy, wrong are wrong again, McIlroy...wrong...just a wild guess, but I think he is a MAGA...and hates the liberals out in Eugene...

Logical or illogical...the course I belong know it, Singing Hills...just overseeded one of it's courses...and won't allow power carts on it...just walkers, with push carts....OK...but, I don't understand not having power carts, that stay on the paths...dudes like me, die out's like walking and pushing the carts in sand...will NEVER do that again...never...never...

This is a must...if you are into vinyl...the new release of Little Big Towns' Christmas Album...the Horse has previewed it, and it is magical...dang, I want to put up the tree and lights...and all that...of course, I am a real true LBT groupie...

'Wouldn't it be nice'....if we won game 1...


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