A Powerful Message

I am not going to surprise you...in my response to the DEBATE
...have not heard the numbers yet...as to how many people watched it...my guess, it is off the charts...and YES, it was a monster step for VP Kamala Harris...as she continuously rattled trump...as he did what I thought he would do...go off script and make a foo of himself...ah, I guess that was off script...that may have been his plan all along...an inept showing of what he is all about...himself...why he is running for the office...he wants to be the supreme ruler...

It started when she crossed over the stage and shook his hand...he was dumbfounded and it did not stop...so many pundits have said that she 'baited' him...ha ha...whatever is was, it was a marvelous show of debating...by an expert...and a person wanting to lead the country...for the people...

If you were in the middle of the pack, wondering who you may vote for...this DEBATE may have swung you...it opened my eyes even more-so...she is the real deal, and ready...of course, there is another 8 weeks to go...BUT, this step was a huge one for Kamala...

One of those who was in the middle, made up her mind...after...Taylor Swift promptly endorsed VP Harris...which will bring others, to announce soon...the Horse endorses Kamala, too...there you go...see what I mean?...

There will be excuses for his poor showing...you know he will call it 'rigged'...he will accuse everyone involved, except himself...he always does, when he loses...and he LOST, big time...

Let's go...

9/11....we shall never forget...

The Friars won, the DBacks won, and the Bums lost...hey, so did the Bum...and the West goes on...2 weeks to go in this race...

X has become a trump breeding ground...guess it is due to the allegiance of the owner and Bozo...too bad, as it was a decent place of reading...it was...past tense...

I can't get over the lack of hype for the UO/OSU game this weekend...should be a good un...the line is 13 and I don't buy that a bit...it is in Corvallis...egads, now 16 1/2...

Campbell's Soup Company...is now just Campbell's Company...no soup for you...naw, they still have soup, but just not in their name...

We are heading up to Temecula for a night...and the concert of the legendary group...Alabama...they have so many hits...right?...I have 2 favs...'Feels So Right'...and 'Old Flame'...we have never seen them prior...

Have a great day!


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