Knock Three Times
Was this the last variety show on the pixels?...Tony Orlando and Dawn?...for some reason, I kept hearing this song in me head...the lyrics, 'Knock three times on the ceiling, twice on the pipes if you want me...'...the ultimate Condo song, right?...anyhoo, the trio was just a fun escape on the tele...and man, I wish there were more of these on now...miss them...terrific escape hours...
3?...the number of Americans that were turned back to the US, in the prisoner exchange with the Russians...just a fantastic day for them...just ask Brit Griner...
The Horse is up exceedingly early this morning...writing at 5 am...this, after making coffee at 4:15 or so...leave for golf at 6:45...this cat had some trouble sleeping...
Have to think, that this weekend, VP Kamala Harris, will announce her very own VP choice...there are still innuendos out...but, I think it will be Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona...I know nuttin, just a hunch...
That could be the motto for all my naysayers....about me...'I know nuttin'...
3 Times a Lady...Lionel Ritchie song...still have yet to see him in concert...BTW, next week we do see one of the sweetest singing gals...Norah Jones...over at the Shell...famous for her monster hit 'Don't Know Why'...
Looks like I am writing in quick hit form today...just happened, and did not plan on doing this...
3 teams said to be in the hunt for the Natty Champ in football, prognosticators say...Ohio St, Georgia, and gulp, the Oregon Ducks...say what?...I'm ready, if they are...
Last night, around 10ish...there was this helicopter circling around our area...don't know you realize how much noise that creates?...
Three Dog Night...'Liar'...ha ha...'Ol Fashion Love Song'...'One'...'Jeremiah was a bullfrog, the best line in...'Joy To The World'...'Eli's Coming'...'Easy to be Hard'...and more...saw them, last year, I think...they were then the One Dog Night...the others had passed on...
VP Kamala raised $310 million bucks in July....for her campaign... this is just not right...a guy who changed to a girl...then, is in the boxing competition, fighting the gals...nope, no way this should happen...
3 on 3 hoops in the Olympics...why?...enuff hoops already...
BTW, where are Russia and East Germany?...ah, in the Olympics competitions...
Too much talk about a's a matter of pure guessing...conjectures...opinions...comparing different eras...
I am the squabbling about that...
Yea, well, we still haven't synced our new teevee with the bloody Cox remote...Daffy change remotes...
And that's the way it is...8/2/2024...