This is an odd thing to say...I know...ENTRAPMENT...with the two looming candidates for the presidency in our land...we are not given the 2 best candy men (women) to choose from...what say you, Horse?...it's been a looong year of this debate...already...with virtually no real choices brought forth by either party...yes, it is true, that the Repubs dangled a REAL alternative, Nikki Haley...who I thought was a great possibility...but, the MAGA monster shot that notion down...and they are bringing forth, trump...egads...the lie filled air bag, that threatens all opponents, if he wins...and this would be the first felon ever elected to the top spot...
On the other hand...the Demos are trying, perhaps in vain, to elongate the tenure of Prez B...who, in my observation, would have a heck of a time lasting another 4 years...and CLEARLY is not functioning at 100% right now...listen, he has done a superb job, cleaning up what was left from trump's last and hopefully, only, time squatting in the White House...there is a need to produce another choice for us...younger...and we have time to rally around that person...
As I have said last week, I believe that by the end of this week...there shall be movement in the Democratic Party...I keep saying this...and it is hard to do...but, we all need to have patience in the process...fuggit about the polls, they sway like the wind...REALITY must set in...soon...
Why not this?...
That's all I want to say today...well, not...our Doc Shi, was mighty proud of us...with our blood test results...which were outstanding...dramatic gains in our system...and, by gosh by golly, we are proud of ourselves...